Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wake Up Call

Dec. 2, 2015

I picked up an old journal hoping it had a lot of blank pages in it and found myself going through some of the things I had written in 2009. This one entry stirred me so that it seems to call out to be shared.
The first part was written right after the Fort Hood Texas shooting in which 12 were killed and 31 wounded. The last part I have added in response:

The article begins:

Day by Day we hear the death toll around the world and now in our own land we hear of the loss of men and women serving in our armed forces on our own military bases.

It seems very clear that the covering of the Lord's hand of protection is being lifted off parts of the US military (and other parts of this nation.) Italics indicate something I added.

What then can we do as "concerned citizens of the USA?"

NOTHING! Absolutely nothing can change what is happening.

There is no power or authority as a US citizen to move the hand of God. 
Yet time and time again I encounter those who are expending great energy seeking to change and repair the breach.

The only authority that can affect the "breach" is what we have in Jesus Christ as we walk in Him. How many of us would want the "breach closed" that allows our soldiers to die without changing the heart of America,  leading her into yet further destruction?

The Breach that allowed 12 killed and 31 wounded at Food Hood Texas on my 64th birthday (Nov. 5, 2009) is a wake up call to this nation.  Its a  high price a whole generation or two is paying for being at war; PTSD, TBI, physical injuries, death suicides, domestic violence..and much more.

The wake up call is to help us see our helplessness and turn to God instead of war to deal with the control and protection  of the world's oil supply, to deal with our health care needs instead looking to the government, and to help us learn of the value of trusting God and sacrifice rather than going into debt for provision.

The Breach is  not an administration issue,

This is not a right vs wrong issue or a

Christians against Muslim issue,or 
Evil versus good.

It is simply a God issue.  Will we trust Him to be in control?

Will we follow his leading or will we be focused on every other issue and be consumed by it?

Many of the legislative issues in states and in the courts have stirred national awareness.
These are not in themselves the issue: They are wake up calls to America that we are losing our freedoms because we are out meeting our own needs with men/women, drugs, food, clothing and religious issues of all kinds instead of God Himself..

While we rally around legislative and court issues as if they were the problems, Christian marriages are failing daily as men and women are caught in pornography and online sex and caught up in other sexual lies and deceptions. Yet we as Christians dare to speak to the world and gay community when our own houses are filled with similar garbage?

Wake Up! The house is falling down around us and we fail to see that it is our house, the house that we built. It is not the gays or the administration or government or Islam or China. It's our foundation that isn't laid; its our cornerstone that isn't in place. 

We are to be salt and light and yet our salt has lost its savor because of exposure we chose to all the things in the world that we love more than God.

The  light of our lives is dimmed by the deteriorating walls and ceilings of the structures we have built to protect ourselves instead of being built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and being furnished and equipped by Him the builder and furnisher of faith.


Dec. 2, 2015
2 Chronicles 7:14   speaks to His People who are called by His Name...not to the world, not to secular governments...

God has issued many wake up calls since the Ft. Hood incident. Just today 14 more killed in San Bernadino and many more injured and last week it was in another place.  

My Brother and Sisters we who call ourselves Christians: there is a price to be paid to respond to the wake up call...and attending another big conference isn't the answer though it may stir a few folks to go home and begin to let God do the work that He is calling and pressing us to let Him do in us, you and I.

It isn't enough to name His name, Yes, He is PAPA and the most powerful name on earth is Jesus, the Christ the Son of the living God, but we are being called to be conformed to HIS IMAGE....from the inside that His nature and character are formed in us so that we can be used of him to destroy on the earth the works of the enemy who is seeking to take over this nation and much of the world.  We ,each of us, were created to be so shaped and formed as we walk in Christ that He would be enabled to be in and through us something unlike anyone else...and together we would form a body that working in 2s and 3s could accomplish things never accomplished on earth before.  

As a friend of mine said today ISIS is doing God's work on earth.........destroying many of the Christian idols, things Christians have looked to rather than to the Lord God Himself.  Why?  If Christians won't repent of their idolatry then God will use the enemy to destroy those things that are keeping his people from looking to him. When God uses the heathen to accomplish His will it is usually because His Chosen ones have gotten deaf and blind and He knows it would take some major destructive force to awaken them to once again cry out to Him, hear His voice and in the fear of the Lord God Almighty to surrender the control of their lives to Him.

America's security is being eroded day in and day out and the breaches have created a "city without secure walls."  So it seems  this has happened because much of the "Christian world" no longer knows the walls and protection of His Presence and Power because we have chosen something else for our provision and protection.

OUR GOD desires that those who are called by His name be so shaped and formed by His hand through the circumstances of their lives and the leading of His Spirit that they could and would participate in bringing the will of God as it is in heaven into earth's realm and circumstances. That wake up call still awaits us on December 2, 2015.....His Spirit is still moving, still calling. Yes, the price is getting higher and higher and the time getting shorter and shorter....but the purpose of God still awaits those who will participate in it.  Where will you be found today?

Meri Ford
516 Park Rd
Winlock, WA 98596
360 520 4503

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