Friday, November 6, 2015

No Beggars in the Kingdom

No Beggars in the Kingdom  by Meri Ford

I read this post by David Orton yesterday afternoon...and it helped put in place something that had been stirring in my spirit since I had heard a sermon talking about us being "beggars at the cross." I will post this article and then add more of my thoughts.
" … beginnings determine endings. We have started with man and therefore we end with man. We have bought the line that goes something like this, “Jesus came to die for our sins; therefore our mission as the church is to get this message out to the world.” You say, “Sounds fine to me, what’s wrong with that?” The problem is, it’s the part and not the whole. Paul in his farewell message to the elders of the church in Ephesus declared that he had not neglected to teach them “the whole purpose of God” (Acts 20:27 NASB). As we will see in a moment, rescuing man from the Fall and its horrific effects is partof God’s purpose and not the whole. Even so, experience of contemporary church life tells us the part has become the whole. We have taken the Fall of man and his resulting condition as God’s starting point. God, therefore, sent His Son to save man. Consequently, He and the church exist to help our recovery. God Himself is domesticated—He is repackaged as the “heavenly therapist” whose main assignment is to help us on the road to recovery. Therefore, man and his rescue from the damage and dysfunction of sin becomes central to God’s purpose in history. But is this true apostolic Christianity? Is it really God’s starting point?

Paul provides the answer when he describes God as “the Father, from whom all things came” (1 Corinthians 8:6). Our starting point is not found in the Fall, in the human condition, but in God the Father, from whom all things come (Eph 1:3-5, 11). Regardless of what our stance may be on predestination, one thing is clear—God’s saving intent did not begin at the Fall, but in the Father before time began—“before the creation of the world.” This makes the Father the determining factor of history, not the Fall. God begins in Himself—in His own nature and will, not in the human situation: “In the beginning God” (Gen 1:1)."

Excerpt from  "Snakes in the Temple: Unmasking Idolatry in Today's Church"
Snakes in the Temple: Unmasking Idolatry in Today's Church was re-released in September 2015 in the USA for worldwide distribution through Destiny Image

More of Meri's thoughts:

Some time ago someone shared a dream that went like this, and I may have referred to this before also. A man was standing before the throne of God and he was begging God for something...pleading with him..Please God, I beg of you..... And God motioned for someone to come into the room...and a large soldier in full regalia came in and followed Gods order to take the beggar out and put him in chains.  God was asked, Why are you doing this?  And God replied. There are NO BEGGARS in my Kingdom. All my children are MY SONS, they have inherited all that I have and am. They have no need of begging.

I continually hear people begging God in prayer for healing and deliverance...and I must admit at times I have prayed similarly and may well have for many years of my life...If only God, you would do such and such.....

Orton's message is that while we begin at the cross...we don't live there. We live as FULLY ADOPTED SONS OF THE FATHER!!  "Our Father."   Imagine how it hurts the Father's heart when we have access to all that the Father is and has, to come begging as if we were not His Sons.  Even the prodigal who was willing to take the role of a servant having squandered away his "inheritance"  was restored to full status as a beloved son of the Father, in whose eyes the son had never lost that status. And the Elder Son  didn't understand his own inheritance and his status with His Father  either or he too would have welcomed the prodigal brother recognizing the graciousness of His Father's love and the nature of their common inheritance.

So where does that leave us who have grown up in the evangelical and charismatic or even the sacramental churches?  Perhaps what it tells us is that like David Orton says...we've just seen a part of what God has for us IN CHRIST JESUS.   The congregation that I have been attending is very evangelical oriented and nary a service where an invitation to accept Jesus isn't given. And it is a growing congregation in numbers.  They truly love the Lord.  Yet I sense that as David Orton says....there is something missing....Our identity as a Much Beloved Son of the Father....

True...some of us are babes...just coming to the knowledge that Jesus is our Saviour....and just born again of the Spirit...without having much idea of what downpayment on our inheritance the Holy Spirit brings into our life...much less what that "inheritance" is all about.

But are we discipling the babes...that they might grow up as Sons of the Father walking in the provision that is theirs, or are they still under guardians....the law....instead of being skilled and trained to understand all it means to be a Son and to "do the works of the Father"?

A friend this morning told of a lady in her bible study group that sometimes the others in the group want to choke because she frequently "interrupts" with a comment...but a comment my friend said that has weight and bearing and one you never forget.  And I know the feeling that woman must sense and at times thought some in the groups I have been in would prefer I didn't say a word.  I often wonder too how often "my words live on" much of the Spirit of God empowered them to be heard time and time again perhaps in other dimensions of people's lives?  Where are the teachers that understand God's word when it says when the Spirit is who is speaking is to YIELD  to another that the Spirit is moving on?  Oh but we have agendas and a leader will say I have a sermon and a lesson to teach and only 45 minutes before the sermon is to be over..... Scripture doesn't say that does it?  Yes, there is order, but I have wonderfully noticed that Holy Spirit's order is often not what congregations put into place. God's order says the one speaking YIELDS to another one stirred by the Spirit....while our church  rules of "order" are the so wait until one is done to share something or check it out with leadership before speaking....NOT GOD"S WAY......ouch!!!  Does it mean we can be polite and not intrusive? Of course...but we will "interrupt" when the Spirit moves us regardless of Roberts or the Boards rules of order!!

Sons function so differently than servants.  Little children that don't know how much their parents have provided for them, beg and throw temper tantrums not realizing the provision that is already made for them.   How often we discipline kids who beg and throw temper tantrums because they are uncomfortable for us!How often to we explain to them who THEY are and what is provided for them not only by their parents but by our Father?   Oops...seems I didn't know this stuff when I raised kids....and at almost 70 I am just learning about my "inheritance" and who I am and who Christ is in me....and what Papa has provided for me because of Christ in me!!

I warn you reading this....this understanding will mess up your current way of responding to people in more ways than I can explain!!  All those religious, social good deeds  that we do are "not wrong"...but they will begin to look differently when you see those we "serve" as fellow sons of the Father...all a part of the family, brothers and sisters.  What do I see when I see you? Do I see my Father's daughter or son and all the love He has for me and  you?

I don't want to get into issues of the meaning of judgment...but the minute we fail to see others as equal recipients of God's love as our Father...we are no longer seeing each other as recipients of His power and authority in Christ Jesus....otherwise known as Grace.....we don't deserve to have Christ live in us....Him living in us and us in Him is not deserved....but that power in us, that Life of Christ in us IS GRACE....grace isn't is the undeserved Life of Christ living in us and me in Him......manifested in whatever behavior that come out of that trusted relationship.

A close apostolic friend of mine is forever "harping"  (used generously) on the Fear of the Lord.   When we understand God's Grace is LIFE itself which Is Christ in Us....we will begin to understand the "fear of the Lord" and what it means to be alive....and apart from HIm, the life of Christ in us is DEATH......there is no Life apart from the power of God in us and in this world. That is the GOOD NEWS that it is available TO ALL...Jew and Gentile..male and female, green and yellow black and white...human beings....WE ARE SONS of the FATHER....we lost our awareness of being sons as we joined Adam's progeny in DIY activities.  We have been restored to SonShip IN CHRIST JESUS!!   It isn't about begging at the even isn't about confessing my sins.........I will confess my failure to trust HIm when I SEE WHO HE IS....He has accomplished the full restoration/reconciliation of all of Adam's children in the second Adam  JESUS CHRIST>......THAT IS GOOD NEWS......not that my sins are forgiven and I'm going to heaven...BUT I am not long alone...having to fight for myself to orphan, lost and alone......BUT A FULL SON OF THE FATHER...the King of Kings and Lord of Lords....we are NOT to be found as beggars.  Healing is in Christ...I live in HIm, He lives in Me....I do need fathers here on earth to help me understand and be disciplined in the ways of my Heavenly Father....I need brothers and sisters who I see appropriating their inheritance and sharing it with others who have yet to realize who they are in the eyes of the Father.....

That means.....learning how to let God be yield to the Holy Spirit...laying hands on the sick and healing them, raising the dead, casting out demons.....

Never do you see Paul saying God healed so and so...Paul healed the sick.....Paul is the Son of the Father....with the same power and authority of the Father. Learning HOW TO walk in that inheritance is another issue and I am just beginning to walk in even the awareness of it, and still gingerly laying on hands, praying into situations instead of praying for, speaking into situations instead of speaking about them.....

And dear friends............the economy where most of us live is not conducive to this kind of is contrary to all the rules and regulations of man...BUT IT IS LOVE and Love is never "against the law of God.".....God is Papa, my Abba is Love, and we are being invited to walk in His Inheritance in the Saints....He wants His power and His authority to flow out to all those who are his sons that don't know it yet because we labeled them according to whether or not they knew this or knew that or acted this way or that.

God is calling out to us to Know Him and be Known of Him as our Papa...OUR FATHER, the privilege that is ours because of the cross....I am not a sinner saved by grace......I am a Son who was once a sinner until Grace Himself found me!!  Do I still sin? Of course....but my life now is in Christ and sin has no power to destroy my life in Christ...the guilt the shame, the destructive power of it is broken Once for All at the cross!!   

We died with Christ and may we rise to live our lives out daily, hourly in HIS RESURRECTION LIFE  made available to us by Holy Spirit joined with our spirits when we were born again of the Spirit of God....BORN AGAIN of the Father...even as man was in the beginning before the Fall....restored to Sonship.

Meri Ford

Ford 516 Park Rd Winlock, WA

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