Saturday, October 18, 2014

More on Psalm 119 words by Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry on Psalm 119 Introduction  as found on Bible Study at

There are ten different words by which divine revelation is called in this psalm, and they are synonymous, each of them expressive of the whole compass of it (both that which tells us what God expects from us and that which tells us that we may expect from him) and of the system of religion which is founded upon it and guided by it. The things contained in the scripture, and drawn from it, are here called,

1. God’s law, because they are enacted by him as our Sovereign.

2. His way, because they are the rule both of his providence and of our obedience.

3. His testimonies, because they are solemnly declared to the world and attested beyond contradiction.

4. His commandments, because given with authority, and (as the word signifies) lodged with us as a trust.

5. His precepts, because prescribed to us and not left indifferent.

6. His word, or saying, because it is the declaration of his mind, and Christ, the essential eternal Word, is all in all in it.

7. His judgments, because framed in infinite wisdom, and because by them we must both judge and be judged.

8. His righteousness, because it is all holy, just, and good, and the rule and standard of righteousness.

9. His statutes, because they are fixed and determined, and of perpetual obligation.

10. His truth, or faithfulness, because the principles upon which the divine law is built are eternal truths. And I think there is but one verse (it is Ps. 119:122) in all this long psalm in which there is not one or other of these ten words; only in three or four they are used concerning God’s providence or David’s practice (as Ps. 119:75,84, 121), and Ps. 119:132 they are called God’s name.

The great esteem and affection David had for the word of God is the more admirable considering how little he had of it, in comparison with what we have, no more perhaps in writing than the first books of Moses, which were but the dawning of this day, which may shame us who enjoy the full discoveries of divine revelation and yet are so cold towards it.

In singing this psalm there is work for all the devout affections of a sanctified soul, so copious, so various, is the matter of it. We here find that in which we must give glory to God both as our ruler and great benefactor, that in which we are to teach and admonish ourselves and one another (so many are the instructions which we here find about a religious life), and that in which we are to comfort and encourage ourselves and one another, so many are the sweet experiences of one that lived such a life.

Here is something or other to suit the case of every Christian.

Isa. any afflicted? Isa. any merry? Each will find that here which is proper for him. And it is so far from being a tedious repetition of the same thing, as may seem to those who look over it cursorily, that, if we duly meditate upon it, we shall find almost every verse has a new thought and something in it very lively.

And this, as many other of David’s psalms, teaches us to be sententious in our devotions, both alone and when others join with us; for, ordinarily, the affections, especially of weaker Christians, are more likely to be raised and kept by short expressions, the sense of which lies in a little compass, than by long and laboured periods.

Psalm 119 meaning of similar words

How many of us have read this Psalm and wondered about the various words that all seem to mean the same thing? I have looked the words up in Strongs many times only to find it defined the various words all similarly until I was more confused and had even less understanding.

This morning I was reading Psalm 119 in my Complete Jewish Bible, in English of course, and it uses words like Torah, mitzvot for some of the words which I had already looked up in its glossary. But this time I went further to the Internet to see if I could get some clarity.  I won't say that I understand and comprehend the differences but did find a website that explained the Hebrew word more clearly and gave some most interesting understanding into Psalm 119.  I am sure many of you bible and Hebrew students knew all this. Even with this information, I can't say I fully comprehend the differences in context. But it is like the word "law" or "Tora" which refers to teaching or direction from God which means law or revelation...I will need fuller revelation of God on the meaning of his own Torah or law, word (dabar)  judgements *mispatim)  testimonies (edut) commandments (miswah)  Statutes  (hiqqim), precepts ( piqqudim) and word (imrah).

Hope you find the information below informative and the link is included that you can read the whole article.

Law (torah, used 25 times in Psalm 119): “Its parent verb means ‘teach’ or ‘direct’; therefore coming from God it means both ‘law’ and ‘revelation.’ It can be used of a single command or of a whole body of law.” (Kidner)

Word (dabar, used 24 times): The idea is of the spoken word, God’s revealed word to man. “Proceeding from his mouth and revealed by him to us.” (Poole)

Judgments (mispatim, used 23 times): “From shaphat, to judge, determine, regulate, order, and discern, because they judge concerning our words and works; show the rules by which they should be regulated; and cause us to discern what is right and wrong, and decide accordingly.” (Clarke)
Testimonies (edut/edot, used 23 times): This word is related to the word for witness. To obey His testimonies “signifies loyalty to the terms of the covenant made between the Lord and Israel.” (VanGemeren)

(miswah/miswot, used 22 times): “This word emphasizes the straight authority of what is said . . . the right to give orders.” (Kidner)

Statutes (huqqim, used 21 times): The noun is derived from the root verb “engrave” or “inscribe”; the idea is of the written word of God and the authority of His written word. “Declaring his authority and power of giving us laws.” (Poole)

Precepts (piqqudim, used 21 times): “This is a word drawn from the sphere of an officer or overseer, and man who is responsible to look closely into a situation and take action. . . . So the word points to the particular instructions of the Lord, as of one who cares about detail.” (Kidner)

Word (imrah, used 19 times): Similar in meaning to dabar, yet a different term. “The ‘word’ may denote anything God has spoken, commanded, or promised.” (VanGemeren)

Meri Ford

Monday, October 13, 2014

Thoughts on Judgement and Wrath

I read an article recently and I regret to say I don't remember who so cant give them credit. But it was one of the best articles I have read laying out the difference biblically between judgement and wrath.    Many have said that the weather changes and disasters and other issues going on in America isn't judgement.    I have the feeling that they think judgement means God is angry with them when in reality, that would be the wrath of God.  Judgement is always meant to bring someone to the Lord, to cause their eyes to be opened so that they don't get the wrath of God through continued disobedience.

As I listened to the present issues with ISIS and Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and in general the Middle East issues as well as the current issues with Russia and China,  I see that we are facing God's judgement.  The failures of American leadership to appropriately address our national interests and things like ISIS gaining control of all the USA's weapons given to the Iraqi army, isn't just a leadership failure. It is judgement that is intended for American's to wake up and realize that without the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord God, the creator of the Universe, the creator of all mankind, the one who holds the stars in place, there will be no success story coming out of our national politics or foreign policy.   The embarrassment that many feel over the leadership of America in the past 6 years comes because we have neglected 1. to pray for our President and those in authority. 2. we have failed to live out the mandate to "go therefore into all the world and make disciples....." while we gather in our panelled walled buildings with cushy seats and the latest technology and think we are immune to evil because we call ourselves by the name Christians.

American sings the song, God Bless America, and yet, while we find ourselves pleading with God to bless America as tragedy comes to our door step and possible is already ensconced in our homes and houses we fail to bless Him, to in everything give thanks that HE is the Lord God that we might be in His will even as His Word has instructed us.   We want God to bless us but we remove His name from our lives and the freedom to even freely speak of the birth of the Messiah, and wonder why "judgement" is at hand?   The earth itself is revolting at the abortions, the prostitution,and pornography, and greed, and the lies and half truths that abound.  The earth is reeling over the horrible sex crimes engaged in by high school football players. Are we not aware that these things are happening that we might turn to Him, change our way of thinking, remove the idols and all the things that we lift up above the name of Jesus in our lives, and turn to Him in full dependence by faith?

Judgement isn't payback or retribution. It is kind of like letting a kid touch a hot stove so he will find out it is hot and not do it again. Yet we are so much like Israel and Judah who kept on doing their wicked deed, enjoying their wickedness, rather than come into the Light of Almighty God's presence that they might honor Him with changed thinking and changed behaviors...have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb!

The Day of the Lord IS coming and it  is about wrath. But we have not seen that yet.   Does it mean that God is not angry with His beloved people?  No, but judgement is what comes forth in His mercy that we might be made aware of the cost in part of our idolatry/adultery and turn back to Himself!\

Will we cry out...Oh God our Father, in judgement, remember mercy?  God's judgment is always merciful. Were it not it would be wrath and that time is not yet at hand according to His Word.  Judgment is about giving His people, us, the opportunity to change our ways and be conformed to His image before it is too late and the opportunity is gone.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday Musings Oct. 1, 2014

Wednesday musings October 1, 2014
Two thoughts this morning about a couple very different things.

I know many of us wonder about the great earthquakes that will come upon the earth as scripture speaks of them. I live in the Pacific NW and all the talk is that another BIG one..8-9 earthquake is on the horizon anytime. As was reading these two scriptures seem to get glued into the frontof my mind.

Ps. 75: 4/3..When the earth quakes with all living in it, it is I who hold its support pillars firm.

And Ps 93 1: The world is well established. It cannot be moved.

I so remember , as I drove alone State Route 508 some years ago, driving back and forth to work , praying for the hillside above the highway. I was encouraged of the Lord to believe Him to have his angels drive stakes into the hillside, holding it. I never dreamed that one day I would live on that hillside and be there when an earthquake shook the region. We suffered no loss on that hillside. But today, do we pray facing an earthquake that will shake the very foundations of earth and heaven, as the scripture says, and maybe many  earthquakes previous to that that will do unimagined destruction?  That is my question.

Another thought that seems in the forefront of my thinking as many of the nations of the world face the reality of other groups than Al Queda like ISIL/ISIS coming forth out of the darkness in which their existence has been enshrouded. I so often hear my Christian brothers talk about judgment upon these wicked/evil purposing groups. Yet I read this morning something that cautioned me to ever even think this way.

Ps. 94:1
God of vengeance, ADONAI!
God of vengeance, appear!
Pay back the proud as they deserve!

I was momentarily caught up with the idea of ISIS and other violent extremist groups being dealt the hand of the Lord, when that last part came to my attention.


How does that apply to us in the USA? How does that apply to us who call ourselves Christians in the USA and we sit in our paneled buildings, the comfort of our “secure” homes, with TVs, smart phones and tons of other conveniences, in what much of the world would call the lap of luxury? How does proud fit a nation with one of the highest abortion rates in the world and one of the highest percentage of people incarcerated in the world? I don't know but somehow the arrogance of the American people and me included, seems to qualify for “proud”!

As I see our nation's leadership calling forth a coalition with those we ourselves have declared to be our enemy and even ignoring the power of one of our enemies to develop nuclear bomb capacity, I wonder if it isn't bringing us closer to when this Awesome God of ours, the God of Vengeance will indeed pay us back for what we deserve? A nation who appears to not be able to see through our own ideology to see the difference between civilians killed in Gaza and the few civilians killed in Israel in the Israeli/Hamas conflict?

As we come to that time when the spotlight of the world is on Israel as never before, is it possible we, in the USA, are blinded by our own pride in thinking that somehow we really know what is “right and what is wrong” in the world even though our own infrastructure is failing at an unprecedented rate, the number of abortions continues to arise, the use of drugs is legalized and yet not enforced within the legal parameters of the law and violent escalates in numerous ways across the country, especially near our borders?

I hear some of the prophets saying that we won't see another 9/11 because the body of Christ is crying out. And I do hear cries, but sadly the cries that I hear aren't ones addressing the failures and shortcomings of us, the body of Christ! But then I don't hear what God is hearing.
However, I may  be in over my head in these matters. Yet  I don't see the changes that need to come to “protect” America either in the spiritual dimension or in the practical dimension of our borders being protected. Instead I see wide open doors letting all kinds of those who are our enemy come into this nation without any check, and at times it seems the welcome mat is out for even the worst of the kind of terrorists such as MS-13.

It would seem that the type of things that run our airways also must change if we are going to see a turn around in our nation of the violence and cruelty that is on the increase. Yes, we see some “religious/spiritual” things coming to TV and the theaters but that is such a dribble of effect considering the attendance at the horror, violent and sexually explicit movies and programs infiltrating our nation on a regular basis.

I think of how the Lord told Jerusalem that her behavior even the Philistine women found revolting. (Ezekiel 16:27) Today, much of what is going on in the USA, would cause much of the world to blush as we have “outdone ourselves” in corruption and sexual deviancy. Are we as “bad” as them yet? That isn't the issue...the issue is that this nation represented Christian values and a standard which stands as it always has to judge us.

Oh Lord, what then are we to do? We are but frail human beings whose lives are as a piece of grass that wilts and dies at your very breath!

And I hear Arise and Shine, for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!

Yes, there is still a place for each of us as the dark gets darker, for then even a little light appears brighter and is seen in the darkness.

Shine where you are planted! Even in the deepest darkest pit, a tiny light might shine to give encouragement to another. But there is no “pride” in shining. A time will come when we are only able to “save ourselves” not those around us. Even now, it is about Him, our trust and faith in who He is. Somehow as Christians in the USA, we have gained some sense of “identity” as Christians rather than finding our identity in Him. In a world lost in the ravages of violence and sexual deviancy, I think of what Paul said...and remember you too were once captive of these very things. Remembering that, we don't elevate ourselves in pride, but gain “common ground” with those, who like us, are beloved of the Father and who are being called into a relationship of discipleship with Him for eternity! There and there only, it seems we can cry out for the mercy of the Lord God Almighty, the God who is the God of Vengeance, as well as the God of Mercy and Justice, and in judgment, Lord, remember mercy!

Meri Ford

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