Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Who is Israel depending upon?

Who is Israel depending upon?   February 18, 2015

I read this quote tonight made by the prime minister of Israel.  I don't question the importance of his coming to the US but as I read this my heart was stirred by something that had come to my understanding many years ago.  

 "I'm going to Washington because [as] the prime minister of Israel it's my obligation to do everything in my power to prevent the conclusion of a bad deal that could threaten the survival of Israel."

One of the problems that the US will be facing as will Israel is the fact that Israel has looked to the US. What the US does or doesn't do isn't the key to the survival of Israel.  In much of the years past  the USA has been one of the great supporters financially and militarily of Israel, a lot due to the fact that for many years there were more Jewish people living in New York City than lived in the nation of Israel. As the USA due to the direction the leadership of this nation is taking, is less and less of the "saviour of Israel" it may be seen in retrospect that while we were indeed supporters of Israel, we actually were taking the Lord God's place in that nation and causing them to be dependent upon the USA instead of the Lord God.  This is seen somewhat in Netanyahu's statement above.  

It is the time when we in the USA, as much as we want this nation to stand behind Israel and be a part of the blessing that comes from blessing Israel, we know from the prophetic words recorded in scripture that before the day of the Lord's return, all the nations of the world will abandon Israel and THEN the Lord God will show the world that He indeed is the Lord God. 

I urge those who read this to be very thoughtful in the way you speak about the lack of support that appears evident for Israel that is growing in this nation as more and more of various religious persuasions move into this country.  It is true that those who bless Israel will be bless as is the reality that those who come against Israel will see the hand of the Lord come against that nation.  Yet we know that the Lord God is in charge..he is the one that rules the hearts of kings and presidents, men like Obama and Putin, even as he ruled the heart of Pharaoh in such a way to eventually release the Children of Abraham to move on towards the Promised Land.

These are times  that are increasingly like any in history, though in many ways a repeat of the way God has dealt with many nations throughout the history of mankind.  Our thinking presets from days gone by will not work the same righteousness that they might have even 5 years ago. It is a time when we are called above all else to "be in Rest" and have the intimacy with Him that allows us to speak what we hear Him saying and respond to what HE is doing.....not what we think and see with our own understanding that was valid in days past.

Meri Ford

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