Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Call it not conspiracy

Call it not conspiracy
Date: Jun 11, 2014 7:50 AM

         This morning as I was reading the scriptures and seeking the Lord, I came across this scripture and it stirred in me, once again and I share here with you what I was seeing and hearing.   

Isaiah 8:11-20    (Jerusalem Bible) 

For this is how Yahweh spoke to me when his hand seized hold of me and he taught me not to follow the path of the people, saying
Do not call conspiracy all that this people call conspiracy;
Do not dread what they dread,
have no fear of that.

Yahweh Sabaoth is the one you will proclaim holy., him will you dread, him you will fear.
He will be a sanctuary,
A stumbling stone
a rock to trip up the two Houses of Judah
a snare and a trap for the inhabitants of Jerusalem
over which many of them will stumble, fall and be broken,
been ensnared and made captive.

Bind up the the testimony,
seal the instruction
in the heart of my disciples.

My trust is in Yahweh who hides his face from the House of Jacob.
I will put my hope in him.

Look, I and the children whom Yahweh has given me
shall become signs and portents in Israel
on behalf of Yahweh Sabaoth
who dwells on Mount Zion.

And should people say to you,
Go and consult ghosts and wizards that whisper and mutter------------------
a people should certainly consult its gods and the dead on behalf of the living!
As regards instruction and testimony, without  doubt
 this is how they will talk and hence there will be no dawn for them....
.........for is not everything dark as night for a country in distress?

It goes on in  Chapter 9 to say...

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light...

And as I read this, I so remembered Deb Moore's word given to this list or its predecessor during one of the times of internal turmoil of this nation as things in the White House and things happening in this nation were in turmoil. She shared this Word:
Don't call conspiracy what this people call conspiracy.

Does this mean there aren't devious and wicked plans being perpetrated in and against this nation? Of course not. that is not what this scripture refers to.  It is that OUR focus is to be upon Him who is in CHARGE...The God that is...Yahweh Sabaoth....The Lord of the Angel Armies as a popular song translates it, The God that is, that is Lord of War; the The God that is the Lord of War himself.  Him we are to "dread." Him we are to stand before in reverent awe knowing it is by His hand presidents rise up and presidents fall, that is is by His hand that al Qaeda is able to be successful in bombing our troops or that our troops prevail. It is by His hand and His word  whether Afghanistan is over taken even as Iraq is being over taken as the American "saviours" are being pulled out.   It is Yahweh Sabaoth who controls Wall Street's up and down and allows crooked men to rise up and manipulate the global economies.

This morning as I read,  I noticed that Yahweh Sabaoth declared that the King of Assyria was His River....the force he used to flood into Judah, flooding everything and passing on (Is. 8:8). In other places, as in Joel, He talks of HIS often in years past I heard people talking about wanting to be in Joel's army. I don't.....that army that the Lord called his own....was a tool of devastation upon the earth. And in good Hebrew style, scriptures in the Old Testament remind us that HE IS LORD OF ALL.  No army, no wickedness arises that operate outside His control. He sent the evil spirit to Saul.   HE IS LORD OF ALL.

Weeks ago I began eliminating most Facebook posts from my Timeline that address the negative conditions of this nation.  No one needs to be told "how bad things are."  I am not ignorant of the sin and wickedness that are afoot in this nation  or be reminded of the nasty plans of the men in power or of their lasciviousness.  And making folks aware of these things does not "illuminate their understanding."

  Wake up Church!!  Light awakens people.

 It is the Light that  shines in the darkness that allows people to "see."   When we accept the reality that "we are light in the Lord", then we will have a message so very different from the world.  We don't have to tell the world how sick or how dark it is. THEY KNOW.  The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgement and He is poured out on all flesh for yet awhile. It is as we walk as children of the Kingdom of Light that they will 'see" a way out of their darkness.   Those who have been known as the "church' have often sought to show people how sinful and how dark things are.  People don't "see" in the dark. In the dark, we grope for whatever we can touch to hold onto for some semblance of stability. It isn't until Light shines in the darkness that there is Hope, and HE, the Light is our Hope.

In this day where darkness is increasing, sin and destruction abound, where statistics tell us that there is one school shooting on an average of every week in this nation unlike any other nation in the world, where car wrecks are the number one killer of our teenagers, and where medical care is increasingly unavailable to the average person due to high costs and high deductibles, may we walk IN HIM, who is the Light of the World.  Yes, He came to his own and his own received Him not because their deeds were evil and they desired to remain in their evil deeds.  And as He is so are we in the world. And as they rejected Him when He came to his own, to those by His Word he created and whom he would desire to hold in his bosom,some will reject the Light as we walk in Him in this world also.  May we forever be mindful not of the darkness, but of Him in who we dwell, in Him who is Light to our souls, and who makes us the Light of the world even as He is that Light in us.  

Fear not what you see about you. 
Fear not the earthquake that will come, or the increasing mudslides that have been prophesied by His Mouth, 
fear not the rise of power and authority that takes over the mind of a people, 
but fear the Lord God, Yahweh Sabaoth, 
for He is the one that wages war,
He is the one that WON THE WAR that we are invited to participate in, knowing that the battle is the Lords,
 that He broke the power of the enemy who is now allowed to "work out his sentence" here on earth until the appointed time. 

 Our appointed time is NOW, in Christ Jesus, Lord of All Creation, Lord of the Angel Armies, Lord of Hosts!, 
YAHWEH Sabaoth,..Jehovah, the GOD THAT IS....


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