I read an article recently and I regret to say I don't remember who so cant give them credit. But it was one of the best articles I have read laying out the difference biblically between judgement and wrath. Many have said that the weather changes and disasters and other issues going on in America isn't judgement. I have the feeling that they think judgement means God is angry with them when in reality, that would be the wrath of God. Judgement is always meant to bring someone to the Lord, to cause their eyes to be opened so that they don't get the wrath of God through continued disobedience.
As I listened to the present issues with ISIS and Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and in general the Middle East issues as well as the current issues with Russia and China, I see that we are facing God's judgement. The failures of American leadership to appropriately address our national interests and things like ISIS gaining control of all the USA's weapons given to the Iraqi army, isn't just a leadership failure. It is judgement that is intended for American's to wake up and realize that without the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord God, the creator of the Universe, the creator of all mankind, the one who holds the stars in place, there will be no success story coming out of our national politics or foreign policy. The embarrassment that many feel over the leadership of America in the past 6 years comes because we have neglected 1. to pray for our President and those in authority. 2. we have failed to live out the mandate to "go therefore into all the world and make disciples....." while we gather in our panelled walled buildings with cushy seats and the latest technology and think we are immune to evil because we call ourselves by the name Christians.
American sings the song, God Bless America, and yet, while we find ourselves pleading with God to bless America as tragedy comes to our door step and possible is already ensconced in our homes and houses we fail to bless Him, to in everything give thanks that HE is the Lord God that we might be in His will even as His Word has instructed us. We want God to bless us but we remove His name from our lives and the freedom to even freely speak of the birth of the Messiah, and wonder why "judgement" is at hand? The earth itself is revolting at the abortions, the prostitution,and pornography, and greed, and the lies and half truths that abound. The earth is reeling over the horrible sex crimes engaged in by high school football players. Are we not aware that these things are happening that we might turn to Him, change our way of thinking, remove the idols and all the things that we lift up above the name of Jesus in our lives, and turn to Him in full dependence by faith?
Judgement isn't payback or retribution. It is kind of like letting a kid touch a hot stove so he will find out it is hot and not do it again. Yet we are so much like Israel and Judah who kept on doing their wicked deed, enjoying their wickedness, rather than come into the Light of Almighty God's presence that they might honor Him with changed thinking and changed behaviors...have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb!
The Day of the Lord IS coming and it is about wrath. But we have not seen that yet. Does it mean that God is not angry with His beloved people? No, but judgement is what comes forth in His mercy that we might be made aware of the cost in part of our idolatry/adultery and turn back to Himself!\
Will we cry out...Oh God our Father, in judgement, remember mercy? God's judgment is always merciful. Were it not it would be wrath and that time is not yet at hand according to His Word. Judgment is about giving His people, us, the opportunity to change our ways and be conformed to His image before it is too late and the opportunity is gone.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Thoughts on Judgement and Wrath

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