Date: Aug 6, 2014 11:19 AM
Hi Guys,
I have so many questions and I hope that some of you will have some input to my questions about what I call "flow".
Some people may describe what I am calling "flow or flows" as the different currents of the anointing of the Lord. that each of us bring as we gather together with the brethren. I am not asking about the specific "flow of Holy Spirit" that moves through a body at any given time and location at least not in the beginning of this email.
I noticed that when I was at the recent conference, that I seemed to be "coming from" or "moving in" a flow of expression that wasn't really common or known among the group I was with. I am thankful that it was "welcomed" and on two occasions "invited" particularly. My hands move a lot when I worship before the Lord and sometimes i know that the Holy Spirit is doing things for I am given understanding at times when I see Him wrapping his hands around people, sometimes see things broken, and I notice my hands will make sudden movements when things are spoken forth and at times I almost feel like a conductor, moving with some synchronization with music and the spoken Word both, though my hands do it, and it doesn't come from my understanding. A lady shouted with what I learned later was called a war cry and my left hand spontaneously shot up as if cutting through the air. I have sat during sermons and found my hands in my lap keeping the rhythm of the message and if that "flow" of the message stopped so did my hands. Some of these things are illuminating my understanding to some of the ways of the Holy Spirit.
I was surprised when during the first evenings meeting I was asked to stand beside the speaker...I felt like I was on exhibition....but it was the Lord's way of are a part Meri...they are recognizing that I am working through you. Another time, a speaker, a precious bible teacher, looked at me and told me that I was "welcome" to do whatever anytime, that what I was doing was blessing to her. I think my hands had punctuated something she had said. It was almost like someone had said Amen!
Ok, so what's the point of this post. I am just asking for some of your insight into how we come together from different "expressions" of the move and power of Holy Spirit. I was among some in Portland that moved in this same type of expression and the young woman next to me told me that I was "throwing fireballs" into certain locations and she had actually seen the fireballs land and knew the names of the towns where they landed! News to me!!since I had no understanding of some of the actions that I was yielding to. This young woman was also moving in this same "flow" which was nice for me as I didn't feel so weird. She had a name for this type of "anointing" as she called it which would be a "flow" or "anointing" that was once upon one of the great men of God of another generation here in Washington State.
One of the things that came forth in this conference was the concept of "holding the anointing". And learning to not just let the "emotion" that flows with the anointing at times to move us to action. Training us "in the Spirit" the Spirit as we walk in fellowship with one another in the power of the Spirit.
Boy do I know that I have sooooooooooooo much to learn about the Lord as His manifest presence rests upon a group!!!
I am so thankful that the leader of this conference is a gentle woman who has a heart for teaching and training and nourishes as much as possible and doesn't "come down hard" on the children. Reminds me of that scripture that says to parents to not be hard on your not provoke them to anger. I wonder how many pastors and leaders have been hard on their congregants instead of providing leadership and training and the experience to fail and learn through doing?
And again...when one gathers with saints in different parts of the country, one enters into the things that the Lord has been teaching and training them, which ultimately will harmonize with what He is doing in other parts IF we have learned Him and know His ways, which is again, a process.
The group that I was with have been taking back some of the things in our culture that the enemy has taken over and filled up with himself and his wicken minions We know that in years past that many of us old timers had great checks in our spirits about the "natural products" and 'natural ways" of doing things because we saw the extremes that the enemy had used and how the enemy had "hooked" people on things and got their focus on them away from the Lord God.
So we the body of Christ, then turned our back on thoses areas because we saw the devil's influence. I still remember a dear friend who was into organic and natural foods 30 years ago. And I do believe she got her focus on those things and looked to them in a way that took her eyes off Jesus. And many of us thought the enemy's hold was intrinsic to the nature of the things...rather than a heart condition.
Today we know Holy Spirit is stirring many of us about our diets, the foods we eat and how they do or don't affect our bodies. And any of us that He is speaking to us about, know too well, how we can 'get off focus" and onto the most any area of our lives!
Many today in the body are becoming aware of the role essential oils have played throughout history and how the physical body particularly responds to various oils differently. Oils were used in various dimension in this conference and many of us had some real questions as they were introduced. But the focus was ALWAYS JESUS....each oil used, only caused us to see Jesus and His desire to penetrate our physical bodies and our souls....the oils were often used as "anointing oils" so to speak...but knowing HE IS THE ANOINTED ONE.
There was a session on Reflexology....yikes....many of us went to it with our walls of protection from the enemy UP HIGH! But we also let our discernment loose and several of us knew we "found our way in Christ" through the things that were shared. Yes, there are traps....but for every highway I have taken, there are pot holes, potential accidents, and tons of vehicles that could run into me or I into them....but that doesn't mean I am not to travel that highway as the Lord leads me. For some, the things introduced in the conference and in the days ahead will not "be profitable." And each of us have areas of weakness where we must be aware of the Lord's leading. There are things I can do others can't..things the Lord has told me not to do, that others are free and do under the leading of Holy Spirit. Doesn't make them right and me wrong!! or the things right or wrong. Our life is in Jesus!
I really would like to have some of you share with this list your own experiences in being among those who express themselves differently and some of your own experiences in learning how to respond and react to the different ways Holy Spirit flows through meetings.
I talked with a precious teacher..Mary Sue Davis and her husband and they both told how as they went through graduate school (PhD)...the group that studied their "theology" with was a working group operating in the power of the Holy Spirit and they were practicing and learning through the very things that they were being taught. Several of the group had the privilege of being in small group fellowships where they had freedom from religious norms and structures to move in the power of holy Spirit...and learn His ways. And some of these type of people were our speakers and leaders of this gathering. Last year i attended a small gathering in Montana that had many mature saints and that moved together. I sure had a whole lot of not comfortable lessons to learn on a functioning level to work in harmony and in unity with those I didn't know and the ways Holy Spirit worked through them. It was a process of me being conformed to Him as He moved and revealed himself in the saints.
Please share with us some of your own struggles and understandings...
Meri Ford 516 Park Rd Winlock, WA 98596 360 520 4503
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