Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mudslides and other natural occurances in the Pacific NW

The big mudslide north of Seattle is something that is very hard to comprehend even though I've seen the pictures on TV and on the computer.  I live in Washington State as others on this small list do...some closer to the Seattle area than others.  But it is incomprehensible to me, that the whole side of a mountain could fall off.  In listening to the current update just now on the news, they say that there was a 1.1 earthquake within a short period of time before the hillside collapsed covering a square mile with mud and taking out at least 10 homes, a construction site and a mile of a main roadway.

At present 176 are still missing and unaccounted for, though they are reconciling that list even now and anticipate that there are some duplications on the list. At present 14 bodies have been recovered and I haven't heard any number as to those hospitalized. It seems they got out with minor cuts and bruises or they didn't get out.  This square mile area is covered with 15-20 feet of fluid mud.

i ask you to seek God about this occurrence because I was reminded by someone on this Renewedhope List, that I have learned to trust over the last 15 years, who mentioned again  the vision of the  eruption of Mt. Rainier and potentially some interaction between Rainier and other of the mountains in the Cascade Mountain Range which is a part of the Ring of Fire.

Years ago I traveled up into the mountain range and on the way I wept as I "saw" mounds of mud and dirt where once were hillsides and valleys where many folks lived.   So I know something is coming that God would desire His children be a part of and prepared for.

This area has a history of major eruptions every 350 years or so and since you easily can see our high peaked mountains, volcanic activity continues.  Volcanic activity continues inside Mt. St. Helens as the dome continues to grow where it once blew it's innards pouring toxic gas and it's own composition of organic material down the hillside and into the rivers killing many just back in the 1980s.  

This whole natural area is spiritually unstable even as it is unstable geologically. This area has seen more than one great move of the Spirit of God. But sadly, many ended without people realizing that when Holy Spirit is poured out, all the dross and filth (mud) must be cleansed out; it must be addressed or new life can't come forth.  Holy Spirit comes to cleanse....requiring the saints to put off all the clothing and behaviors of the old man and be renewed in the spirit of the mind according to the mind of Christ.

Been reading in Ephesians this morning...of how when we "learn Christ"...when we "see Him" we at the same time see that which is in us that is not of Him.It is given to us the power and strength, knowing our acceptance in the Beloved, to put off those filthy garments, the coarse jesting, the carnal talk, the lusts and desire for that which  satisfies the appetite but only creates more hunger and desire.  We put on Christ and He equips up to cast off all that is not of Him; he allows us to see what inhibits the free flow of His love to another. Oh what Love is this!!

Many have been the declarations of the West Coast falling into the ocean.  Seeing the results of this mudslide and thinking of the short distance of Mt. Rainier to Puget Sound...it is not inconceivable that a major event on that mountain could pour mud and other elements of the earth right into the waters of Puget Sound in the Tacoma area...wiping out  a population.   If that happened at the same time that a tsunami  hit from such an earthquake itself...think of the consequence.  What then are we called as the children of God to do and say?  We are to seek His Face and be a part of whatever it is He is doing on the earth, that we can, in a good conscience, rest in knowing that we are obedient sons of the Father and that his love for his people in the State of Washington is beyond comprehension. God doesn't  come to destroy, but to reveal the greatness of His love.

The head of the office of Emergency Management in   Snohomish County today said that  he believes in miracles and is trusting that just because it has been three days since the mudslide, that he has hopes that there will still be some of that 100+ missing who miraculously survive. May it be so to the praise of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who is bigger than earthquakes and mudslides and who asks us to be found secure in HIm when these things happen!


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