Saturday, January 25, 2014

Our Words 2 Jan. 25

Ours Words 2 January 25 2014
Last evening I watched the evening news, portions on FOX and portions on what my husband calls the "network news." And one message came through clear to me which was rather surprising. And as I got up this morning, the following understanding seemed on the forefront of my mind which is what I am here trusting Him to help me put into sentences that make some sense.
Our of our mouth come the treasures of our heart....Terry Mengle of this list and one of those I call my "mentors" put it this way in a note this morning: I have always taught that our words were the gauge of our heart. They are like a thermometer in that they display the warmth or coldness of our heart.
It displays the picture that I am seeing and I hope you will bare with me as I put the whole picture together that the Word of the Lord that He is speaking might be made known to you.
Generally Huckabee is watched on either Saturday night or Sunday night depending on our schedules. So I had watched what he had said about the Democratic Party's take on women. So seeing it repeatedly on the news last night and hearing how other people responded to it, brought some questions to my mind which seemed to have answers this morning as I rose up out of bed.
The thing that I was beginning to understand was that people hear more than our words. People often only hear the emotion which accompanies our words. startling statement but yet it is beginning to give me insight into so many situations that I have been a part of one way or another. People didn't hear WHO Huckabee was talking about. They only heard the emotion that the words carried regarding the subject he spoke on. So in one way, his message spoke "heart to heart" not mind to mind. And what got conveyed was something completely different than Huckabee's intent.
We live in Washington State and the big news out of Washington State has to do with the Seahawks going to the Super Bowl. But beyond that, is the national attention that Cornerback Sherman got for what they called his "rant" immediately after the Seahawks win in the playoffs. By his own admission he was operating out of the "emotion" or the "energy" of the win and of his failed effort to shake Crabtree's hand at the end of the game and the resultant anger that arose (and now a $7000 plus fine for the choking action he made around his own neck). Sherman has apologized saying that he was in the height of energy/emotion from the game and all he said and did was inappropriate and took focus away from the team's win and the excellent job his fellow team members did. In Sherman's case, his words and his emotions lined up to produce a really ugly result for which he has expressed his sincere apologies.
Often we miss the emotion that is fueling our behaviors. What is the solution for this? In many ways with the natural man we are not able to really discern the inner energy which often comes as a result of past experiences many of which are hidden from our awareness due to the perceived uncomfortableness of them or the perceived inability to know how to deal with them.
I was chatting with my husband about this whole subject as it related to Huckabee and Sherman and he mentioned that his father who was a radio broadcaster among many other things used to tell how those who were going to be on the radio would get together prior to the broadcast and go over the material and make sure that there was no "ranting" other than when a rant was part of the story line someone was acting out. His father knew the significance on the radio of the emotion that could distort the intended message.
As I thought through these things this morning the following is what conclusion I came to:
1. It is most important that we stay open to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be the discerner of our hearts (our mind, our emotions and our will). It is not enough to move forth on something we "know to be God's will"; and it is not enough to move forth on something because "God told me, I am just obeying him." We are to "be known of God." ouch! Most of us long to "know the Lord" to "know God." Yet if we look into the scriptures, those that found closed doors to fellowship with God, heaven or whatever context you want to put it, who were found being sent to the place of gnashing of teeth and darkness, were not those that didn't "know God" but ones that God didn't "know." To be known of God is to be received of God. To be open before the Father is to allow His light to shine down into the innermost parts of our being, which is where HE wants to inhabit. I am thankful that God hangs around with us. I am thankful He overshadows me and shields me. I am so thankful for His provision for me. But, he is doing this for many who are wicked and evil also!! What the big difference is, He wants to come and dwell in me, not just with me! He wants me to welcome his thoughts, his emotions and his decisions/behaviors and actions in my will.
2. It is most important that we stay open to our fellow human beings. Like the radio broadcaster who said that they would get together before a program and go over the script to make sure that "it sounded" the right way, it is important that we stay in relationship with those who can speak into our lives and help us discern between what scripture calls soul and spirit. The emotion that our words carry may even be more significant than the words. As in the case of Huckabee, he is facing the reality that the emotion that he poured into his words was picked up by the subject of his comments (women) rather than the people to whom it was directed, the Democratic Party. One of the women who brought this out in relationship to Huckabee and I get all the names of all those blondes on FOX News mixed up so I can't recall her name, was right on. She told him that "his rant" caused his message to be totally misunderstood.
Emotion isn't bad nor is it good. It is the energy that is carried through our words out of our life experiences. It can come out of our own natural desires to protect ourselves, promote ourselves and our message, and many other natural human tendencies that flow from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Or it can flow out of the very "mind of Christ" in and through the heart of the Father and His love as we choose Christ. In either case, emotions come out of the way we "think" about things, not necessarily the subject of our thoughts but the nature of the thoughts and the emotions they stir up. And those emotions are energizers both of our own behaviors and things that stir up thoughts in others that then energize them. Mob behavior is based on this principle that if a person speaks and acts in such a way that they can stir up thoughts in another person that they aren't conscious of, you can direct their emotions and behaviors in a given direction. The media in 2014 is well aware of this and is in most cases the basis of most news broadcasts and especially advertising.
As I conclude then, I want to reiterate that what we yield our wills to will determine what we think, what we feel and ultimately what behaviors we have. And it is easy to see that this could be and is, apart from some intervention in our lives, a vicious circle. How do I get out of the trap that when I want to do what is life giving, there is a force in me that continues the cycle of repetition of what has gone on in my being since birth?
The only way to get out of the cycle is to invite the power of Holy Spirit into our lives and He who is Spirit will break the cycle by giving us the option of seeing Him, his thoughts, his feelings and his will in some measure.
To the degree we are willing to receive His Spirit when he "breaks into our lives" is the measure to which we will be changed and freed from the vicious cycle of our own thinking, feelings and choices. Who can save us, Paul in Romans asks? The anointing that is Christ Jesus...He is my saviour and He is come TO ALL FLESH by the Spirit yet in this hour. Why me? Why you? Because he made us for fellowship, he made us to "hang around with him, the creator of the universe for all eternity....why? Because He made us from and like himself to share the wonders of all the universe with him and he's made a way for us out of the independence of our own mind will and emotions through the death and resurrection of his own Son, allowing Holy Spirit to be poured out upon ALL FLESH, so we could be reconciled. You and me...all those that don't like me, don't like God, who do things I think are "wrong" well as those who do things "right"...ALL have been reconciled, to share the thoughts, the emotions and behav

Last evening (Friday Jan. 24)  I watched the evening news, portions on FOX and portions on what my husband calls the "network news." And one message came through clear to me which was rather surprising. And as I got up this morning, the following understanding seemed on the forefront of my mind which is what I am here trusting Him to help me put into sentences that make some sense.

Our of our mouth come the treasures of our heart....Terry Mengle of this list and one of those I call my "mentors" put it this way in a note this morning:  I have always taught that our words were the gauge of our heart. They are like a thermometer in that they display the warmth or coldness of our heart.

It displays the picture that I am seeing and I hope you will bare with me as I put the whole picture together that the Word of the Lord that He is speaking might be made known to you.

Generally Huckabee is watched on either Saturday night or Sunday night depending on our schedules. So I had watched what he had said about the Democratic Party's take on women.  So seeing it repeatedly on the news last night and hearing how other people responded to it, brought some questions to my mind which seemed to have answers this morning as I rose up out of bed.

The thing that I was beginning to understand was that people hear more than our words.  People often only hear the emotion which accompanies our words. startling statement but yet it is beginning to give me insight into so many situations that I have been a part of one way or another.  People didn't hear WHO Huckabee was talking about.  They only heard the emotion that the words carried regarding the subject he spoke on.  So in one way, his message spoke "heart to heart" not mind to mind.  And what got conveyed was something completely different than Huckabee's intent.  

We live in Washington State and the big news out of Washington State has to do with the Seahawks going to the Super Bowl. But beyond that, is the national attention that Cornerback Sherman got for what they called his "rant" immediately after the Seahawks win in the playoffs. By his own admission he was operating out of the "emotion" or the "energy" of the win and of his failed effort to shake Crabtree's hand at the end of the game and the resultant anger that arose (and now a $7000 plus fine for the choking action he made around his own neck).   Sherman has apologized saying that he was in the height of energy/emotion from the game and all he said and did was inappropriate and took focus away from the team's win and the excellent job his fellow team members did.  In Sherman's case, his words and his emotions lined up to produce a really ugly result for which he has expressed his sincere apologies.

Often we miss the emotion that is fueling our behaviors. What is the solution for this?  In many ways with the natural man we are not able to really discern the inner energy which often comes as a result of past experiences many of which are hidden from our awareness due to the perceived uncomfortableness of them or the perceived inability to know how to deal with them.

I was chatting with my husband about this whole subject as it related to Huckabee and Sherman and he mentioned that his father who was a radio broadcaster among many other things used to tell how those who were going to be on the radio would get together prior to the broadcast and go over the material and make sure that there was no "ranting" other than when a rant was part of the story line someone was acting out.  His father knew the significance on the radio of the emotion that could distort the intended message.

As I thought through these things this morning the following is what conclusion I came to:

1.  It is most important that we stay open to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be the discerner of our hearts (our mind, our emotions and our will). It is not enough to move forth on something we "know to be God's will"; and it is not enough to move forth on something because "God told me, I am just obeying him."   We are to "known of God."  ouch!  Most of us long to "know the Lord"  to "know God."  Yet if we look into the scriptures, those that found closed doors to fellowship with God, heaven or whatever context you want to put it, who were found being sent to the place of gnashing of teeth and darkness, we not those that didn't "know God" but ones that God didn't "know."  To be known of God is to be received of God.  To be open before the Father is to allow His light to shine down into the innermost parts of our being, which is where HE wants to inhabit.  I am thankful that God hangs around with us. I am thankful He overshadows me and shields me. I am so thankful for His provision for me.  But, he is doing this for many who are wicked and evil also!! What the big difference is, He wants to come and dwell in me, not just with me!  He wants me to welcome his thoughts, his emotions and his decisions/behaviors and actions in my will.

2. It is most important that we stay open to our fellow human beings. Like the radio broadcaster who said that they would get together before a program and go over the script to make sure that "it sounded" the right way, it is important that we stay in relationship with those who can speak into our lives and help us discern between what scripture calls soul and spirit. The emotion that our words carry may even be more significant than the words. As in the case of Huckabee, he is facing the reality that the emotion that he poured into his words was picked up by the subject of his comments (women) rather than the people to whom it was directed, the  Democratic Party.   One of the women who brought this out in relationship to Huckabee and I get all the names of all those blondes on FOX News mixed up so I can't recall her name, was right on. She told him that "his rant" caused his message to be totally misunderstood.  

Emotion isn't bad nor is it good. It is the energy that is carried through our words out of our life experiences. It can come out of our own natural desires to protect ourselves, promote ourselves and our message, and many other natural human tendencies that flow from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Or it can flow out of the very "mind of Christ" in and through the heart of the Father and His love as we choose Christ.  In either case, emotions come out of the way we "think" about things, not necessarily the subject of our thoughts but the nature of the thoughts and the emotions they stir up. And those emotions are energizers both of our own behaviors and things that stir up thoughts in others that then energize them.  Mob behavior is based on this principle that if a person speaks and acts in such a way that they can stir up thoughts in another  person that they aren't conscious of, you can direct their emotions and behaviors in a given direction. The media in 2014 is well aware of this and is in most cases the basis of most news broadcasts and especially advertising.

As I conclude then, I want to reiterate that what we yield our wills to  will determine what we think, what we feel and ultimately what behaviors we have.  And it is easy to see that this could be and is, apart from some intervention in our lives, a vicious circle. How do I get out of the trap that when I want to do what is life giving, there is a force in me that continues the cycle of repetition of what has gone on in my being since birth? 

The only way to get out of the cycle is to invite the power of Holy Spirit into our lives and He who is Spirit will break the cycle by giving us the option of seeing Him, his thoughts, his feelings and his will in some measure. 

To the degree we are willing to receive His Spirit when he "breaks into our lives" is the measure to which we will be changed and freed from the vicious cycle of our own thinking, feelings and choices.  Who can save us, Paul in Romans asks?  The anointing that is Christ Jesus...He is my saviour and He is come TO ALL FLESH by the Spirit yet in this hour. Why me?  Why you?  Because he made us for fellowship, he made us to "hang around with him, the creator of the universe for all eternity....why? Because He made us from and like himself to share the wonders of all the universe with him and he's made a way for us out of the independence of our own mind will and emotions through the death and resurrection of his own Son, allowing Holy Spirit to be poured out upon ALL FLESH, so we could be reconciled.  You and me...all those that don't like me, don't like God, who do things I think are "wrong" well as those who do things "right"...ALL have been reconciled, to share the thoughts, the emotions and behaviors of God himself. WOW...what great news.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Our Words 1 Jab 24

January 24, 2014

As I have been musing lately, so many things keep coming to my awareness as to the impact of our words. While there is always the danger of getting into conflict over "words", it is by the words of our mouth that we reveal what is in our hearts (Matt. 12:34 Luke 6:45).

And it will often be that as we gain insight into the words we speak that we will gain understanding of the wickedness that lies in our heart and that will allow us the opportunity to repent and operate out of the heart of the Father.

I like the Jer. 17:9 scripture because it says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? 


1. Given to cheating or deceiving. 
2. Deliberately misleading; deceptive

Does it mean that I know and understand that I am being dishonest?   No, it doesn't mean that. It means that it is veiled to my understanding. This might be made more clear by the following illustration.

I think, I feel, I act.

My thoughts stir up my feelings
My feelings energize my will
My will is what activates behavior, choices, decision.

My will is the CEO of my soul/self.  We are made in such a way that I don't do anything I don't want to do. It is impossible. Whatever I do, I made a choice at some time to do. Choice=want to. Want to=act of will. Which is why it is so important that we learn to let the Lord reveal to us our heart condition so that we can begin to operate out of the "new heart" that he said he would give us "in Christ Jesus."  

So deep in the "heart" of man is a desire to protect oneself from any kind of inquiry or perceived threat from another person, maybe coming from ones childhood experience.  So if this is what a person has "chosen" for whatever reason at the time it was the way of thinking about a situation that created comfortable feelings that confirmed the behavior/choice/act of the will.

The mind's job is to continue to protect that will's choice. So if down the road that behavior choice/act of the will begins to have some uncomfortable feelings with it but the person isn't about to change his will...the MIND which is servant of the will, will alter reality so there are comfortable feelings that allow the decision to continue to be made.

There are the following mechanisms the mind uses to protect us from the negative consequences of our own choices.

1. Simple Denial: which means just plainly saying I didn't do something, or that something is not so. I am not an alcoholic. I get to laughing when I hear the ongoing tales of the mayor of a big Canadian metropolitan city of the consequences of his alcohol and drug use. I am not an alcoholic...he continues to profess.   Simple denial frees me from having to accept responsibility to change.

2. Minimizing: Admits to some of the behavior but in such a way that it appears less serious than it is. It usually involves a comparison such as I am not as bad as I was. I saw Joe and he's a lot worse than I am. I don't do that very often. I often think of minimizing in some way of "scaling" the seriousness. And in this aspect I am always better than someone else, so I don't seem as "bad."

3. Blame:  Blame will own the behavior that is in question, but the responsibility for it lies with someone or something else.  Yes, I got drunk but I got home and found she had cleaned my house out when she moved out, so I drank that 1/2 gallon.   Blame frees us from the uncomfortable feelings that would lead me to see the need for change.

4. Rationalizing, offering alibis, excuses, justifications or ..this is the most common, explanations for the behavior. As with blaming the  behavior or choice isn't denied, only the reason for it. I have learned I have the wonderful ability to explain away almost any behavior I don't want to change. Somehow my "reasoning" never got me anywhere with my mother!

5. Intellectualizing: Here we avoid emotional or personal awareness of the behavior or problem by dealing with it on a level of generalization, intellectual analysis or theorizing. One of the great explanations is "I've always been this way."  Or that's the way I learned it. Another is spending much time analyzing ones behavior, there by never having to change. Great exploration into the past and family history can be such a form of intellectualization and avoidance of the choice to change.
6. Diversion: The most common is the simple way of changing the subject to avoid a topic that is threatening. But in relationships another way we engage in this form of denial and deception is when someone accuses us or challenges us, such as You are fat, we might "turn it around" and point to them and say, Yeah, but look at are so sloppy...(changes the focus to another off of the subject which would allow me to change.)

7. Humor: This wonderful technique of denial makes anything uncomfortable into a joke, or the person makes a joke so as to not address the uncomfortable behavior or subject. The person who engages in humor is often the most entrenched in the behavior and least likely to change because humor is so socially acceptable and the rewards of humor are often gratifying.

8.Repression: Hold back, holding in...not responding at all which ultimately may lead to "cup full and overflowing" syndrome which gets pretty ugly.

It becomes quite easy now to understand why the role of the mind is so foremost throughout the understanding of our relationship with the Lord.  Until we are "willing" to change our minds about our behaviors, our behaviors won't change.  And we are to be renewed in "the spirit of our mind." It takes the work of the Spirit of God working through our human spirit, to even make us aware that our CHOICES have negative consequences that are destroying our lives, operating separately from the power of the Lord Himself.

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds (Ephesians 4:22-23).


Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:1-3).

These scriptures reinforce the fact that we have to be "willing" to change our choose from the old way of thinking which we grew up having to choosing the "mind of Christ."

Further we know that God works in us the will and the desire to do His will. ( Phil. 2:13)   

Today as I was breakfasting with friends, I heard a "denial phrase" from one of the friends that I have heard him use before. It was an "intellectualization" form in which he shut the door to making any changes in the way he responds to life by saying " I don't analyze things." Of course he does, but remembering that this is a "denial mechanism", I also learned that to respond to a denial comment is total foolishness. For a person who is in denial will deny that they are in denial (using one of those 8 mechanisms of the mind to protect their choices).  Which is one of the biggest issues we have when dealing with addictions and any other of entrenched behavior.  

It is useless to confront denial for that reason, and if you do be prepared to have some kind of conflict on your hand that will most likely be unfruitful.  And when we come to understand our own denial, we will learn how more effectively to love those who engage in such behaviors, knowing that we are totally unaware where we are using denial ourselves!!

So what is the point of all this? How then do we deal with denial? If I am in denial, how do I recognize it?   I won't. I can't. It takes the revelation of the the Spirit of God to let me "feel" the uncomfortableness of my choices before I will be energized to change, make the decision to change my thinking. This is why Paul says...Don't be as the Gentiles who are past feeling. ( Eph 4:19.)

As a counselor, I found that treating a person with worth and value, seeing them as the Lord sees them, extending that brotherhood to a person who is in denial, even as the Lord extends his hand of brotherhood to me is the one thing that begins to break down the insecurity that breeds all denial.  Some would say, The fear of death is what keeps us in bondage.  (Heb. 2:15)  What overcomes fear? The love of God.
The good news of Jesus Christ is the message of reconciliation to the God who is Love through Jesus Christ.  And that is NOW, and when we begin to live and operate in the NOW, living out of the heavenly relationship which IS OURS, we will see supernatural changes in other people's lives...but to as many who love their evil ways, this message will be hated but to others, it will be the message of deliverance.

Likewise, this is the message which changes us! Our own insecurities and discomforts and the places we are "stuck" will only be changed as the Light of the Love of God penetrates the inner man where we are still in darkness and bondage. Without the Light, without Truth shining, we are left in the darkness of the mind that protects our deceitfully wicked heart. It is unable to be fixed!  God comes in to show us that He has a new heart for us, a new mind and His spirit frees us to "see" what we can't see in the darkness of our minds.

May the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ so fill your mouth that the atmosphere is changed whereever you go.


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Priestly Blessing and Conspiracy

As I was pondering what to do this morning it seemed that what was stirring in my heart was to be shared with you. 
I have spent some time in the scriptures this morning with the Lord and as we move into January it seems timely to share a couple of things that were illuminated this morning.

A friend of this list,  had requested more prayer on her Facebook page and a person referred to Numbers 6:22 as her prayer for the lady.
So I looked up Numbers 6:22 and found that very familiar word of blessing so often used as benedictions in services and upon people as they leave loved ones.  But I noticed for the first time that this was given as a way to pray for Israel. And while I pray for Israel, I found these words of Himself given for that purpose very encouraging and useful today as our Sec. of State is meeting with the leader of Israel and my heart beats heavy over what might be the outcome of those discussions.  So I offer this prayer to you today which I am sure many of you more versed in scripture concerning Israel will be most familiar with

The Priestly Blessing

22 The Lord said to Moses, 23 “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:
24 “‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’
27 “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”

Another things that I was stirred in awareness to this morning was as a result of a post one of the list sent me about the role of the Vatican in these last days.  I have long wondered when we would see the fingers of the Vatican in the activities of these days and the post seemed to indicate some areas where those fingers might very well be operating.  But as I read the post and did some of my own research which gave different insight on some of the specific things in the post,  I kept hearing a scripture that was posted to the old AP list by the then moderator's wife as some of the issues involving the Clinton Administration and the Bush Administration were being publicized. And I remember her posting, or perhaps her husband posted it, Don't call it conspiracy....

I know I had looked up that scripture before and had read and was much aware of that phrase. But the context, I wasn't aware of until this morning. And as those words stirred in my thinking I looked up the context in order to know just what the Lord was saying. And I trust that what those scriptures spoke is relevant to the situation that we find ourselves in today. But I am going to just quote the specific scripture and urge you to look up the context and let the Lord show you what it means for you, for this nation today.

“Do not call conspiracy
    everything this people calls a conspiracy;
do not fear what they fear,
    and do not dread it.  Is; 8:12

King James uses the word "confederacy", it is also translated rebellion, treason, etc....

Today we use the word conspiracy very freely in many circles and I really was stirred to believe what the Lord says is to be our attitude in the midst of circumstances.

I am coming to that very Jewish belief which I so clearly remember one of my early mentors teaching, to trust that God is the Lord God of all, and he has ALL Things in His hands. When it says He hardened Pharaoh's heart, it means He is Lord and he can use any source to accomplish what He wants done to accomplish His purposes. In many cases, it is the enemy of our souls who works on our wicked and corrupt hearts that accomplishes "the Lord's work."  

The Jewish way of thinking is that God is God and ALL things are in His control. I am finding that way of thinking is most helpful in understanding much of the things written in the Old Testament and understanding things happening in these "last days." 

In closing today's Musings,  I am reminded again of something I have referred to in these musings several times over the past year. I was in a clinic recently and had to fill out those lovely papers as a  new patron of that clinic. When I handed them back to the lady she said, "Good job."  I almost laughed out loud.  A 35 year old woman in "parental mode" tells a 67 old lady, she did a "good job."  I laugh when I think of how silly some of us are!  We take our parental roles into the work place, into Facebook, into our personal relationships and end up treating people like "children."  Many psychologists who understand human nature better than I do, would suggest even as does the scripture that even healthy parenting encourages and affirms more than declaring things like "good job."  Encouragement and affirmation often are most effectively expressed in Thank you, I appreciate, and words that are "personal."   I still remember a former client who when hearing this teaching, told of how years ago as a foreman on a job he told his crew at the end of a very difficult job, "Good job guys"  and they muttered back, What do you think we are? Kids?"  He never understood why they would say that until he sat under some teaching about "judging."  I have been learning how to be personal in my responses to a variety of things. It is still a learning process as my very basic nature is to "scale things" and respond accordingly.  My husband will joke after dinner at times and with a twinkle in his eye, look at me and "You did a good job" referring to dinner.  He laughs because he too is learning to be personal rather than to "measure" things on some kind of scale. It takes a whole lot of effort to be personal, to lay the scale of measurement down and say, I really liked that dinner, or I appreciate the time you took to make that dinner for me."  To be personal is extremely contrary to much of the way most of us have grown up.   Some of you may recoil as you read this and I just ask that you not take this as any "standard" that judges you. Perhaps you will find yourself in a situation that will reveal the Truth of what He might be speaking through this.

May the year we have begun be a "holy" year of Oneness in Him who is our Peace.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Meri Ford

Just what is the Kingdom of God?

Wednesday's Musings   December 18, 2013

Tonight we were watching an "inspirational movie" and I really appreciated much of the movie as it showed a new believer trusting God through his daily activities after turning his life over to the Lord.    I am so thankful, however, that the Holy Spirit often moves even when we humans distort the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.    In the movie the pastor very clearly preached the reason to accept the Lord was to "go to heaven."   While the rest of the movie held some good stuff which I mentioned above, I just cringed when I heard the "heaven" thing preached as if that was the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached and which was the Gospel that Paul and the early Christians preached.  Maybe I have just come to understand a wee bit about the Kingdom of God and letting God rule and change me and realize heaven and hell while realities aren't the promise that we have in Christ, but rather Eternal Life IN Christ, and an eternal relationship with Our Father, and being seated together with Him in heavenly places. I do have the hope of the Resurrection because the Resurrected One and I are One.

So little is known about what the Kingdom of God is, that it seems even the world doesn't know what Christians mean when they talk about the Kingdom of God. In the Duck Dynasty' member's  comment recently which is creating quite a stir,  about those who won't enter the Kingdom of God, I wonder how many Christians understand that it doesn't mean they aren't Christians.. Rather it means  they haven't yet entered that relationship where the Lord God is King and his rule reigns in their lives.  Living in the Kingdom of God is different from that first step of being "born again." It certainly doesn't need to take 50 years or more as in my case, but this is the day when a much fuller preaching and teaching of the Kingdom of God is going forth.  

It doesn't mean we don't talk about heaven, but it sure changes how we talk about heaven. I remember sitting next to a lady in church who just twinkles since she yielded her life to the Lord, but her #1 goal and purpose is to "go to heaven."  How shocked many will be when they find out that while we are here, we are being prepared and equipped to judge angels and nations "here on the earth" in the day to come.  

There is so much difference between just being born again and entering into the Kingdom of God.  I was born again and God never left me or forsook me, but I hadn't entered into the Kingdom of God.  I  had head knowledge of being seated with Christ in heavenly places and being accepted in the beloved...but the understanding of what those things were not   yet a part of my thinking. I wasn't yet renewed in the spirit of my mind as relates to that understanding of the Lord God.  I can't really even tell you what it took for that to take place or exactlywhen but it has been in progress for a period of time as I have begun to "see" who I am in Christ and who Christ is in me.  It has changed almost everything about what I think and how I look at things and how I see people today.  If I am accepted in my Beloved and seated with Him, then that is the good news to extend to everyone....the blood of my Jesus was shed once for ALL.  What freedom to change, what freedom to be loved, what freedom to love others as Christ lives within us and empowers us and changes us into His image!!

May we begin to preach forth the message of God breaking into this world which was announced by the angels to the shepherds of Bethlehem, those shepherds who were tending the sheep whose lambs were to be used for the sacrifices in the temple not many miles away,   May we be empowered with boldness to extend that message of Peace and Goodwill to ALL MEN because the Saviour was born that night, God became incarnate in that little babe born at the "tower of the flock"  wrapped in swaddling cloths just like the lambs born there were wrapped so as to not be bruised and blemished causing them to be rejected as sacrificial lambs.   Our Jesus, Our Sacrificial Lamb was born where all the lambs were born for the temple sacrifices.  He was born, entered into this sinful world, to become the sacrifice that would free us from the bondage of sin, so we could be reconciled to our Father, our spirits joined once again to the Spirit of God in eternal fellowship!  What a Christmas message and a message for every day.  

This world is dying not hearing that they have been reconciled to the Lord God. He isn't angry with them; the price of their sin has been pain. We can love and be loved of the Father God. No other religion in the world calls God Father, much less Abba/Daddy.   What awesome Good News!   Daddy loves you and will chase you down to your last breath in order to convince you that He has paid for your sin with the blood and body of his own beloved Son Jesus!   What a Gospel, what Good News...what an Evangel....the same as the angels brought that night in the fields of Bethlehem....good news...a Saviour is born....
