Thursday, November 14, 2013

The FIX an Indicator

As I was reading my morning mail, I saw something that is just another indicator of what we are seeing manifest in the natural in this hour.  This isn't to share any sense of blame or accusation, but to share an "indicator" which I saw this morning.

propose on Thursday an administrative fix to a central element of his signature health care law, allowing Americans 

As I read this, it spoke so clearly to me....something maybe some of you also have seen the importance of.   Today we are in a day of "executive orders" and "administrative fixes."
What does this mean and so what?

First, how many of us have tried to fix something that we screwed up from the beginning and maybe weren't even supposed to have done? 
We are in a day when the power to "fix" things both good and bad rests in "executive privilege" in a degree unlike anything this country has known.
And as never before even Congress who passed the bill in question, is looking to the administration to fix it, because it will get done faster.

Interestingly this "fix" is one more step in presidential authority into the daily operations of the whole insurance company and therefore our lives as citizens.  The administration can now tell the insurance company that they have to reinstate cancelled policies, policies that first told them weren't up to standard.

The significance of this issue: nothing new, just another "step" towards what we are seeing is the establishment of what the average citizen of this nation wants: someone to make their lives happier and solve their problems.  When we operate on this basis, which is the root basis of sin in our lives, wanting something from people, places, and things rather than from the Lord GOD, we will increasingly get more and more problems in the guise of making things better for the people.

Is this conspiracy? Not if you read the scriptures. It is the well written, explained plan of the enemy of our souls to bring forth his government over the lives of men before the coming of the Lord Jesus when the kingdoms of this world which he has reigned as prince of for a period of time, will become the Kingdoms of our GOD and King!

Our wise as serpents and harmless as dove.  And what is "Wisdom" in this hour of 2013. It comes wholly and exclusively in and from the Spirit of GOD Himself as we rest in Him and seek Him.  There is no room for anger, and when we find ourselves seeing "things that we think shouldn't be" it is our choice and freedom to choose to trust in the fullness of the Lord GOD's plan from before the foundation of the world.  Lies and halftruths are to be expected rather than looked to as some abomination that caught us by surprise.  As the Sons of God begin to be formed upon the earth, it is essential that we understand the Plan of the Ages so we aren't caught up in the turmoil and whirlwind that will surround us as the end of the age comes and we are able to stay serene and at Peace with Peace Himself at our core.  

This means for many of us that we will be fervent to encourage one another in Christ, in the Anointing, to "return unto My Rest", to stay "still" before Him in quietness in the midst of the storm. We don't deny anger, but we move from that place where things are seen that "aren't as we think they should be" to that place of total acceptance that HE IS LORD and HE IS IN Charge.

Does this mean we do nothing?  Of course not! But it means as we are quiet in Him, we see what HE is doing and participate in it.  We as typical human beings, tend to want to deal with situations according to right and wrong and rise up against injustice and inhumanity, and we usually do so in our own human strength and power, often "asking God's assistance."  How then do we know what God is doing and how to walk as co-laborers with Him. It requires a personal walk and time spent with Him, being known of him, sharing the depth of our own deceitful hearts with Him so that we can be known of Him so that we can know Him in His righteousness.  Here is where we are uniquely lead by His Spirit in His Ways, by His empowerment, accomplishing with Him what He is doing upon the earth.

As I close this I see a message coming in saying that there is a presidential speech coming that will be directed towards this "fix" that is coming from the administration. Whether the administration fixes it or congress, we now know that the Lord GOD is in charge, that man can't do anything without the Lord GOD's permission and that it is a time for His children to seek Him, seek His righteousness and  begin to move out in what the Lord says He is doing in this hour in Is. 61:1-4.   Yes, there is the proclamation of the day of the Lord's vengeance and we will see vengeance upon the wicked  but we are also to preach the day of the Acceptance of the Lord.   Remember, that acceptance is the opposite of anger. Anger says...Things aren't as I think they ought to be...the opposite is Acceptance.....things are as they are, the I AM is in charge, we are accepted in the Beloved, just as we are because of the blood, all things work together for them that are the called according to His purposes.  

May you be strengthened and encouraged IN CHRIST JESUS in this day of national confusion as we see and know the day of the Lord is soon at hand and the coming of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


Meri Ford
516 Park Rd
Winlock, WA 98596
360 520 4503

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