Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Spirit of Abortion from The Rhema Code by Scott Schang

I was reading in Scott Schang's book The Rhema Code last night and want to quote from it from  pages 94-96 and 108

...the Holy Spirit began to speak to me in my office: "There is a spirit of abortion on the church!"  "What does that mean?"  " Whatever is happening in society is a direct reflection of what is happening in the church."

He goes on to write, "

When the Church devalues the completeness of spiritual conception, the world will devalue the completeness of natural conception."

p.96  When the Church maintains and teaches an incomplete view of the work of grace and promotes a performance-based approach towards a someday in the future condition of approval by God, it becomes that seedbed for a pro-abortion spirit.  It devalues the life of a fetus, declaring the fetus is incomplete until there is some further action or activity.  I know this is strong language but here is what God said about this issue; until we get our understanding in line with His  and stop arguing with Him and discrediting what He has done in us at the cross, we will have no significant breakthrough against the evils of abortion in society.

Social reform will be inspired by the theological reform of the "complete" work of grace in the heart of man.

Is it possible that we are contributing to the moral decline of society and the increase of social ills by our poor understanding of the complete work of grace at the cross?

Until we stop placing a load of guilt on the body of Christ to measure up and become something that they already are by His grace, we will continue to contribute to the calamity of the world's devaluing of life and we will keep the awesome wonder of what god has done hidden in the spiritual womb until some ambiguous day in the future.

When we devalue the power of conception so does the world. When we have to see an external demonstration of manifestation to prove value -so does the world.

When God says 'be holy' He is referring to a "condition" that only He can create and we are called to live from that reality. What a gift and what an honor it is to live from  that "be holy" on the inside and to live from that great revelation on the longer striving to become something that we could never become by our own effort if we had a hundred life times.(italics mine)

.....and much more...

on page live in faith is to live from an unseen reality yet perceiving the unseen as superior to that which the natural eye sees.

It is imperative that we make the unseen realm more influential than that which we can see.

The call into His Kingdom is a call to a superior realm that offers life-altering potential to all who "see" or live by faith...


Rhema Code by Scott Schang  expanded version
ISBN  978-0-9832336-2-6
Published by

The Promise
PO Box1510
Woodland WA98574

can be ordered at

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