Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Semi retirement to Retirement updated 3/21/2013

Many things have transpired since Wednesday March 13, 2013 (3/13/13).   I went home from work that night questioning about everything I knew except that I knew that God had given me the words that are listed at the bottom of this post.  My idea as I left work that Wednesday was that I would take the agency up on the offer to work part-time. To "semi-retire."  I admit I was in somewhat of a daze as I got home and began to ponder everything that the Lord had spoken to me.  I got out these words that I had posted out to the list and back to myself on Jan 1. I had made copies of them and they were pinned to the cork board behind my office desk since January. I had read them a few times. 

Somehow I knew that these emails were about the time I was in on 3/13/13. ALso an article I had written about change in 2013 was posted January  on the Stormharvest  Website   and I have enclosed that below also.

As I sought the Lord in the night hours the first thing I did was open my bible to where I had been reading in The Revelation of Jesus Rev. 3 and since it was 3/13 I went to Rev. 3: 13 and it said, To those who have ears to hear let them hear what the Spirit is saying.......and so I eagerly read on to see what the Lord was saying.  Buy Gold of me, gold tried in the fire, white raiment....some of the verses that have great meaning to me and then to Rev. 4:1..and I saw a door opened...or an opened door as some put it!

Then I knew that God was telling me that He had an open door out of where I had been and that there is an open door on into the future.  I recalled a dream I had years ago in which I was sitting on a curb with all my luggage...I'd been in a car  which represented some kind of ministry but now I was sitting on the curb and behind me was this doorway. It was full of light, brillant colorful light, so bright one couldn't see through the doorway to see what was on the other side.  I knew that the Lord was beckoning me into that doorway.  The street was dark and there were tons of neon lighted buildings and nothing pleasant or attractive anywhere to be seen.  I also knew that some how I was to get up and go through that door way into whatever it was God had for me.  Since 2001 I went into a new direction when I was hired by New Directions Counseling and there were prophetic words at the time indicating that it was a brand new direction for my life!  And it has been these 12 years!  I would have completed those 12 years on July 26.

Instead...on March 13, 2013 my services as they had been for the past years were no longer needed at New Directions Counseling though I was handed an offer to work part-time.  

As I sought the Lord I remembered the dream I had which is told in the article that was in StormHarvest.  I was told in it to take whatever my boss offered me "from my hand.  Accept the changes as “gifts from me.” Meaning from the Lord's hand.

Then as I had my attention drawn to the others "words" that I had felt the Lord was speaking I saw  that He had told me a "test" was coming and  Try to see it as an adventure, because then you can strengthen your resolve to continue hearing Me and staying on the right path. You have had a victory and are walking in My will. You have stood strong against him in the past and you will do it again.

How grateful I was to His word! His comfort!  And then I read moreSay no to the attractiveness of the same old patterns when they knock on the door of your heart. It's easy to continue down the path with which you are familiar. Challenge yourself to go a different route whenever possible. Discover a way to test what I have put on your heart. Leave the enemy of your soul in a bewildered and confused state of mind

I knew then that I was to retire, to cut ties if I was to go in the direction that the Lord had planned and purposed and not be caught up in the trap of the enemy.  The enemy was the enemy of my soul who was trying to trap me and trick me into staying some place for some reason when God was saying MOVE ON MERI.   The how and the why weren't important and still aren't.   My boss is not the enemy, nor anyone I worked with at that agency. Most are my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and like me, at times the enemy can use them but in this situation God Reigns. Nothing they can do can divert me from the pathway that God has for my life which was predestined for me to walk in, in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world.

I knew I was walking in victory over the pull of the devil who wanted me to hold on to the comfortable, the known and that comfortable income that God had so graciously provided for the last 12 years. When I started New Directions life was really tough. I was doing my Chemical Dependency Studies every night four nights a week, working part time, dealing with a nasty divorce, a single parent of two teenage girls.  It was an awesome time of learning and growing in the midst of great times of struggle. The staff at New Directions were loving and caring and compassionate as they worked with this new trainee.  Now it was time to leave.  Would I have ever chosen to leave if it hadn't happened this way? I don't know if I would have been able to hear His voice.  But for the last three months I have been working with an intern and during those three months I have sought His face and His wisdom and insight more than any other time in my life. I have loved the time I have spent with Him and so I had been "listening"  and sharing with the Lord differently.  

I knew as I went to work Thursday morning I was walking in the Victory! HIS WORD SAID SO!  I had passed the test!  I handed the boss my office keys and told him I was retiring and would not be coming back after I finished that day out. I had already removed much of my stuff the night before and by the evening class at 6pm my office was "no longer mine."  I can only trust that the hours I spent in that office trusting the Lord, sharing the Word with my clients, loving on them, remains as a testimony that no one can dispute!  I was privileged that last day to give away the last two copies of the New Testament called The Voice that I had. Thank You Jesus!!  I was privileged to tell my clients that I was retiring.  I rode the waves of the Spirit of God in praise and thanksgiving with testimony of the greatness of His Name and HIs word right up til I got in my car that night.   And getting in my car, I remembered something the Lord had directed me to do. And I got out of my car, and went back to the doorway, and wiped my feet off as if to shake the dust off my feet.  I left, in praise and thanksgiving, knowing that I had shared all of the love of God in the way that He had chosen to use me and what they did or didn't do now I had no responsibility for.

I knew that the Spirit of God was not done with the agency. Most of them were my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and another was one I have believed God to shine the light of His love and Truth in Christ Jesus into and reveal Himself in the midst of the darkness of good works that his  theology preaches.  How wonderful to know that He who lead me to the place was leading me out....and that I was leaving behind brothers and sisters in the Lord that HE WAS IN CHARGE OF!!   

Being prophetic I know more than I am writing here and shared some of what I knew with the owner of the agency and another person as I spoke forth out of the power of the Spirit of God that day from that "high place" called the sanctuary!   There the snares of the enemy can't get to me for I am safe in the Secret Place of the Most High. But also as never before I have learned since that day what it means to be righteous.


These are some of the posts that the Lord stirred  to my remembrance 3/13/13. The first is a post that I sent to my small list and was picked up in January by StormHarvest website  The others are emails from various sources that I gathered Jan 1 and sent to my list and kept copies of believing God was saying these things about 2013. How much they applied to me was and is still a continuing process.   Meri


One of the things that I am hearing as this year ends is CHANGE. I am going to just share with you some of the things that I am “experiencing”. If they are meaningful to you great! If not...let them slide, please!
I was in bed, not sure if I was praying or meditating  or what, and  I saw a picture of my boss Scott telling me that he had changed four evaluations that were scheduled for me to do. There was a list of four that I saw that he referred to that he changed the times and who was doing them in the appointment book.
Along with seeing that I heard this:

“Take whatever Scott does as from my hand.  Accept the changes as “gifts from me.”  It is about you being a part of what I am doing.”

I went on to understand.

“Meri, the kingdom of God/heaven is not about what I do for you. It is about you being equipped to be part of what I AM DOING IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH.”
What I do for you doesn't change you. It is being equipped by the Holy Spirit, “changed” by Him to walk with Me, being a part of what I am doing.

I begin teaching you as you see I love you and that I am there in all you do.  That's a beginning not the goal.  When you learn I AM, it is not longer about you, but who I am and your beloved relationship in Me.
It was as if He repeated himself saying “again, it is who I AM What I AM doing. You've always seen it as what I am doing for you rather than who I AM and what I AM doing because of who I AM. I walk with you because of who I AM not because of who you are.

Who you are is defined by who I AM, in you, around you, etc.

Who you are gets redefined by my blood. I AM holy. There is no sin, when I see the blood...MY BLOOD, the BLOOD OF JESUS, over you, we are ONED. When you rely on My Blood, we are Oned.

My pure seed entered the earth in the form of a baby.  You have seen that  it has the victory over unclean seed, over the  corrupted seed of Adam, over sickness, over demonic forces over all things!”

We have often referred to the blood, spoken the blood of Jesus over our loved ones. I used to say as the kids left for school and at bedtime: “The Blood of Jesus covers you!”  Little did I comprehend the power of that blood which I was trusting in!! We sing, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”   “Oh the Blood of Jesus..” So many truly valid sayings yet I realize how little I understood the meaning of of the blood!

Now when I refer to the blood, I am aware of how powerful that blood is for it is totally unaffected by my sin or anyone else's sin.  When He sees the blood, the Lord stands between us and any kind of destruction just as it was true on the day of Passover.

Jesus is our Passover Lamb, born in the manager where the lambs that were sacrificed in Jerusalem were fed and protected.  His blood forever is seen throughout the heavenlies on our behalf and everyone else's.

Change...this year ends with a whole new way of looking at so many  aspects of my life in Christ Jesus and new ways of addressing things including changes that will take place in 2013.  The blood has never lost it's power because it is Holy...One, there is no sin in the blood of Jesus, no seed of man.

From: Meri Ford
To: Meri Ford
Subject: Re: course changes
Date: Jan 1, 2013 10:47 AM

January 1, 2013. Precious one, you are walking in My will, but a test is coming. I am telling you this as a warning. It is not something to fear, but something about which to be on the alert. This is not to discourage or throw you off the path. Try to see it as an adventure, because then you can strengthen your resolve to continue hearing Me and staying on the right path. You have had a victory and are walking in My will. You have stood strong against him in the past and you will do it again.  Jesus was not surprised about Satan coming to him from time to time.

Luke 4:13-14 (AMP) "And when the devil had ended every [the complete cycle of] temptation, he [temporarily] left Him [that is, stood off from Him] until another more opportune and favorable time. Then Jesus went back full of and under the power of the [Holy] Spirit into Galilee, and the fame of Him spread through the whole region round about." Bev Robinson

-----Original Message-----

From: Meri Ford

Sent: Dec 30, 2012 12:47 PM

To: Meri

Subject: course changes

December 29, 2012. I am preparing you for something. You sense in your spirit something is coming. In the past you have not been willing to hear what will be coming, but there is something within you that is making you willing now. That something is Someone and that Someone is the Spirit of the living God. Now is the time you will understand and now is the time to obey what I am sending your way. Time and time again the scripture passage has come to mind about Jesus coming to earth in the fullness of time. This scripture is to prepare you for what is coming. Your fullness of time is coming soon.

Galatians  4:4-5 (NASB) "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons." Bev Robinson

December 29, 2012. It is time to change course. There are some serious alterations which need to take place in your life. Say no to the attractiveness of the same old patterns when they knock on the door of your heart. It's easy to continue down the path with which you are familiar. Challenge yourself to go a different route whenever possible. Discover a way to test what I have put on your heart. Leave the enemy of your soul in a bewildered and confused state of mind. Performing the same activities over and over lets your heart become numb and emotionless. Let Me revolutionize your nature. Be governed by Me with every step you take.


2 Corinthians 7:10 (NLT) "For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There's no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death." Kevin Robinson

516 Park Rd Winlock, Washington 98596 360 523 4503

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