In the dream my boss Scott was telling me that he had changed four evaluations that were scheduled for me to do. There was a list of four that I saw that he referred to that he changed the times and who was doing them in the appointment book.
Along with seeing that I heard this:
“Take whatever Scott does as from my hand. Accept the changes as “gifts from me.” It is about you being a part of what I am doing.”
I went on to understand.
“Meri, the kingdom of God/heaven is not about what I do for you. It is about you being equipped to be part of what I AM DOING IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH.”
What I do for you doesn't change you. It is being equipped by the Holy Spirit, “changed” by Him to walk with Me, being a part of what I am doing.
I begin teaching you as you see I love you and that I am there in all you do. That's a beginning not the goal. When you learn I AM, it is not longer about you, but who I am and your beloved relationship in Me.
It was as if He repeated himself saying “again, it is who I AM, What I AM doing. You've always seen it as what I am doing for you rather than who I AM and what I AM doing because of who I AM. I walk with you because of who I AM not because of who you are."....
In a newsletter I ended my entry that day with this statement after commenting on the above:
Change...this year ends with a whole new way of looking at so many aspects of my life in Christ Jesus and new ways of addressing things including changes that will take place in 2013. The blood has never lost it's power because it is Holy...One, there is no sin in the blood of Jesus, no seed of man.
Many of you know that this year 2013 has been a year of major change for me and it came with the 'suddenlies" as I suddenly found myself retired, like in a 24 hour period without any warning except a handful of words from the Father of what He was doing in my life.
But the changes in my life aren't what this is about. It is about how we handle changes in our lives and how we as Christians deal with what I will call "corrective changes." All change comes to bring a NEW pathway, something that deviates from the old or it wouldn't be a change.
One of my mentors recently said that one of the problems in the body of Christ today is that there is little "fear of the Lord." As I have pondered this I realize that much of the resistance to change that we have in the Body of Christ is a lack of the fear of the Lord. When we understand the "ways of the Lord" we come to know that our loving heavenly Father comes to direct us into paths of "more abundant life." Yet, I see such resistance in His Body to such change rather than a welcoming of change as the opportunity to experience more of His abundant loving kindness and tender mercies. Ah ha...tender mercies...receiving what I don't deserve!! Which means, that I probably have goofed up, acted out of my human nature and "need mercy" rather than punishment. Part of the fear of the Lord is wanting what He has provided for us in Christ Jesus in light of what life without it would mean. Like running to catch a bus and being more concerned with wanting to catch the bus to go where it going so I didn't miss out on what the plan was as opposed to being fearful of the consequences of not going or the paybacks. The fear of the Lord in this illustration would include if I missed that bus after making effort to get on it I would loo for another way to get there, whether by walking, etc. rather than sit back and fear the consequences of offending the person who was holding the gathering I didn't go to. I don't want to miss out on the LIFE that God has for me in Christ Jesus and if I miss it at one turn, HE is in me that Life and I will continue to seek after Him because Holy Spirit is in me and my Father IS a merciful God and continues to work with me to lead me and guide me.
So what does this have to do with change?
In the past year I have had relationship with a variety of prophetic friends and one of the things I have noticed is the "resistance to change" that I have encountered. Note also that when a prophetic person is dealing with a prophetic person and the issue is about change, it is iron sharpening iron and is not at all like a mercy heart who is dealing with the sheep. Often when the prophetic works with prophetic people, it is a matter of what I will call "urgency." I have become to realize that in most of the situations I have been in that I was there for one of two reasons: one, a person was about to fall off a cliff and needed a safety net put out for them to walk in the opposite direction. OR two: the person was stagnating in a foul but comfortable place and needed stirred to understanding of how to move out of that stuck place.
I think of a recent video we watched of a drowning person and how the rescuer had to wait until the person was nearly drowned before rescuing them. Otherwise the fight is too bad and the rescuer's life is at risk from the drowning person.
When you encounter people wanting to be saved from their circumstances, mercy and compassion are often not the solution. I have seen rescuers slap or knock out the one in need of rescuing in order to saving them from their own efforts to save themselves. I have found that at times in working with prophetic people, it is necessary to say politely...SHUT UP...quiet...for what they were saying was winding the web of their destruction further in their ignorance. It is often like a "slap in the face" a drowning victim might get from his rescuer, because he comes with the ability to save the person out of that situation.
Yet, what I have often found is that particularly some prophetic people are very resistant to being rescued! They want the mercy hearts to rescue them, to cajole them. On the other hand, often prophetic people and others have gotten "bad counsel. They have been told what not to do instead of equipped to do what is before them. Being told what "not to do" lays a load of guilt and shame on people because we basically know in our hearts what we aren't supposed to do, but being freed in Christ to do what He is doing and walk with Him takes revelation insight which often the prophetic is the only one who "has a sharp enough sword" to provide that. hurts when the sharp point of the Word touches the place we have so protected with our reasonings and logic, often for a lifetime.
I remember one time I cried out to the Lord because something someone said to me hurt me so deeply, I cried to Him saying I knew now what it meant to hurt in my bowels. And the Lord spoke so clearly to me and said, "How did it get in?" I had a vulnerability that allow a weak spot to be made known." I was weak, I was vulnerable and I needed HIM in that place in my life and it took a word from someone I loved that wasn't a "nice or loving word" to bring awareness to something in me that the Lord God wanted to change.
Another aspect of change that I have noticed in 2013 is our wonderful ability, particularly prophetic people, to justify, explain away and defend ourselves from change. When the Lord opens a door to change through new understanding, it is not man's responsibility to "wrap his mind around it." How often I heard this in the office when I counseled. New understanding is to be received INTO the understanding and clearly it probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense with my old understanding which didn't have solutions for the life issues I was dealing with. DUH! 
Another favorite response to change is "The Holy Spirit isn't convicting me of this." When we know something is wrong, has negative consequences, it is time to seek the Lord not justify our behaviors. I heard a lady the other day tell how one lady was drinking a diet pepsi and another lady shared how she was learning how dangerous the asparatame and nutrisweet artificial sweeteners were. How difficult it is for us to say to one who shares information with us that might invite a change in our behavior, how difficult it is to say," Hey, thanks for that information!" The lady that was telling me this basically criticized the lady who shared the information by saying we are all at different places and we need to be careful what we say. I would say this: we are to welcome new information and are free in Christ to take it before the Lord. If that lady were to say, Hey, there is nothing wrong with drinking this artificial sugar ladened pop, then she has resisted anything that the Lord might say to her about changing. In a dealing with a dear friend recently, I heard the phrase again, Holy Spirit isn't convicting me of this....and the reason why? He didn't consider what he was doing sin or wrong, so why would the Holy Spirit suggest to him that he ought to change? He had already 'resisted the truth." Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and if we have resisted the Truth, He will let us reap the rewards of our behaviors until we are sufficiently broken and accepting of the discomfort of the error of our ways. And if we are truly His children, we can expect His Pricks along the way, people coming to us and "reminding" us of Truth, even Truth we don't like and have already rejected.
Change always comes at a price, both making the change and resisting change.
Nationally major change has taken place the last 5 years in our government and if God's people recognize this change and flow in what the Holy Spirit is saying, they will be empowered as never before. It doesn't make any difference if government is "right or wrong"....we are the people of God and He is not limited by what human beings in government do, or human beings any place else do. The anger I see among God's people over what is happening in government is so revolting as it manifests a total lack of belief in the overshadowing power of the Lord God to rule the nations. Our lives are being affected by what governments do, but our LIFE is in His Hands. He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Again it is a change issue and will we live and move and have our being in Christ, the IAM in whom I dwell and who dwells in ME? As we remember these things when change comes to our doorstep, we will be equipped to continue to walk forth in newness of Life IN Christ Jesus. OR we will assess blame on ourselves or others for the discomfort change brings.
This year, 2013, brought a lot of changes in my life and they continue and I am learning to welcome them. I don't know why but I won't be going to see my grandkids in South Carolina for the holidays this year, meaning I miss my son-in-law's, my daughter's and their oldest daughter's birthday, all the two weeks before Christmas. Change...staying home this December and not sharing with that family. Change in friendships this past year. My closest daily Christian friend was suddenly out of my life with no freedom to contact her and it remains that way 9 months later. Yet I know we are still friends and sisters in Christ Jesus. Retirement brought complete change in our eating habits and not responding with new dietary plans I now am working to get the 20 lbs I gained in the last 9 months off. Change....dependent on my husband, home with my husband 24/7, began a painting class and learning to paint and finding I actually have some painting skills to produce something of beauty, change in seasons from summer to fall and no longer any yard work to do to occupy my days, change in finances, no longer able to buy gifts as I did last year, no longer to as freely share with needs presented to me, and even extremely limited social contact as we live in a rural area. Yet, our God is a God of change and works out all things to His praise and glory. What abundance has come forth in the midst of these changes!! And I expect the same as we close this year out and enter into another year in which I anticipate government changes and economic changes will not be to "my liking." But in Christ we have the promise of abundance in the midst of change, IF we are willing to receive HIS correction, HIS new mind and cast aside our old mindset, which while maybe nothing wrong with it, isn't productive for the season or change He is walking us into.
We have choices....we can welcome change, we can welcome information that is extended to us, and be committed to what God is directing us according to His Word, or we can seek to try and "understand" all God is doing and find ourselves further drowning. Or as many I have talked to seek more counsel! Many years ago the Lord showed me the danger of seeking additional counsel when once He had given me counsel and direction that I didn't either understand or like. To do so is to walk the road of error and most often tragedy. If I don't understand HIS counsel, I seek HIM, not another counselor. I may ask another counselor to help me understand HIS COUNSEL but if I seek additional counsel when God has given me counsel, I am sure to walk into deception and further misunderstanding. We get a "softer easier word" from a mercy heart, rather than dealing with the prick of His Word and accepting that there is a place of hurt and pain that He is addressing.
As change comes forth in December of 2013 and the year 2014, may we come to welcome Him even where it is painful, where we don't understand or dislike. And He teaches in His word...IN EVERYTHING give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus(and you and I are IN Christ Jesus). We enter His presence with thanksgiving and go into his courts(very presence) with praise. When all around me is change and change I don't like, I will praise HIm as HE is the Lord GOD, there is none other!! I am IN Him who is the I AM and the I AM is IN me and keeping and equipping me through any change that comes. Change didn't catch Him by surprise!
Below are some quotes that I have gathered this past year that have encouraged me in the changes I have gone through and I trust as I gathered some of them together that they are here to instruct and encourage some of you in the year ahead.
Are you going through a hard time? Watch and wait as God unfolds new plans and strategies over the next few weeks. Sometimes we need to battle, other times we need to let the storm pass. This is a time to do both: battle discouragement for a while but watch as the storm passes...............
We are in a time of radical transition. Watch. Take steps. Battle through discouragement. The God of surprises is going to turn things around. I know it and am pulling for you!
Doug Addison
I am bringing you to another level of commitment, but you must abandon religious exercise and man's traditions to seek life in the Spirit. I am opening the treasures of walking in the Spirit as you choose to be obedient to the revelation of spiritual reality being unveiled. The blessings will be beyond what you could think or ask if you refuse to go back to what is familiar, says the Lord.
Luke 12:48b For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
Don't give up! Hold on to your faith. Even though the path seems unfamiliar and even treacherous at times, you must continue on. I have gone before you to make the crooked places straight and to remove dangerous obstacles from your way. Be strong and unwavering in your belief that I will perfect those things that concern you, says the Lord.
Isaiah 45:2 I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. |
april 29
Look up and out from where you now stand spiritually, for there is an expansion of insight and understanding underway. Look beyond where you are and rise above those things that have been dark and gloomy. There is no cause for discouragement or depression. Rise up now to seek and to know My will and purposes. What's done is done, and now you must change your mindset and position, says the Lord. I am with you to guide you through the maze of emotions that have kept you in darkness. Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth
Small Straws
You are going to find yourself feeling the final crunch of things that are coming into perfect order before you can move on, some of which will be somewhat unexpected. But, you will know that you are in the flow of My Spirit when these things are not initiated by you. You will be able to see divine intervention, mercy and grace as I give you wisdom in many areas of your life. Trust Me, says the Lord. Acts 17:29 "Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man's devising." Sept16
September 17, 2013. Navigate this challenge very carefully. Don't assume you know how to do this because of past victories. You could be in trouble very quickly if you think you can handle this the same way. This one is different. You will learn a lot from handling this but don't get self-assured. Stay in an attitude of listening and learning. Remember you have asked Me for wisdom. Now don't get antsy and go ahead without My direction. I have a way of handling this that will astound all. I will be praised.
Isaiah 40:4-5. "Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills. Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places. Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. The Lord has spoken!" Bev Robinson
Scroll down and see what is happening in ministry to the children.
September 17, 2013. There is no place you can go to escape My presence. During times when you feel there is no way I could be present, I am in your midst. In the deepest depths of despair, I am beside you. When you feel all alone and in your darkest hour, I am with you. When you cannot get an answer to your most trying questions, I am with you. When you cannot see an end in sight to the situation you are in, I am the way.
Isaiah 43:2 (NLT) "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you." Kevin Robinson
March 23, 2013. You are not stubborn like your forefathers. They put up a strong resistance to most of My instructions. Their hearts were not turned towards Me. The prophets I sent to them were refused, along with the messages and instructions I sent through them. Today, the devil would have you believe at times that you are just like your forefathers in this regard. This is not true and you should not believe the devil when he accuses you as having the stubbornness of your forefathers. Remember who you are in Christ now. Take your stand and remind the devil you belong to Jesus now and that you are covered in His righteousness. Refuse his accusations. Stand strong in Christ. You are mighty through Him.
Zechariah 7:11-12 (NLT) "Your ancestors refused to listen to this message. They stubbornly turned away and put their fingers in their ears to keep from hearing. They made their hearts as hard as stone, so they could not hear the instructions or the messages that the LORD of Heaven's Armies had sent them by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. That is why the LORD of Heaven's Armies was so angry with them." Ras Robinson
March 23, 2013. An unexpected encounter is coming. Don't let it throw you. At first it will seem like rejection and from the standpoint of another it is... in a way. But from My standpoint and way it isn't. No double talk here, but the fact is My plan will give you a greater blessing. Don' t spend any time and energy that this is My rejection. You will quickly see this is My plan. Others need to walk in grace and not in law. This is all about getting you started down the right path. Now that this has been accomplished, I will show the way and want you to continue My way.
Isaiah 30:20-21 (AMP) "And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide Himself any more, but your eyes will constantly behold your Teacher. And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left." Bev Robinson
from Joyce Meyer March 26, 2013
I really want you to get this revelation of who you are in Christ as a born-again believer so you won't be frustrated or discouraged or feel like you're always under attack and just trying to get through the day. God has more for us than that!
When you make a mistake and the devil comes and tells you "You're no good," you don't have to take on the guilt and condemnation he wants to put on you. No! You can immediately confess your mistake to God, thank Him for forgiving you and cleansing you with the blood of Jesus, and move forward in the victory of His grace and forgiveness.
I encourage you to learn who God really is. Get a deeper understanding of His character and His heart for you. Know that He loves you unconditionally. He is good. He wants to bless you and help you. When we know this truth, we don't have to be tormented by doubts about whether God cares or whether He will take care of us.
Whatever your situation is today, God knows about it. He sees you and hears the cry of your heart. And if you will give Him your problems and do what He tells you to do, you will access His overcoming love, grace and power and be more than a conqueror. Because in Christ, as He is, so are we in this world!
March 19, 2013. Listen to what I am saying; it's not in words. It is by way of thoughts and impressions that come to your mind and spirit. Your spirit is communicating with My Spirit in a heightened measure because I am readying you to hear something important. It will come through something that has been rejected and thought not important. It will come through something you aren't usually drawn to. Don't reject it because others have. They are rejecting this for a reason. It is just that they are not quickened to follow in that way. But don't follow their lead because it isn't about them. I will be speaking straight to you.
John 21:22 (NASB) "Jesus *said to him, "If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!" Bev Robinson
I am doing a work in you to reveal your true motivations in your interactions with other people. I will show you the places where you manipulate people and situations to gain acceptance. And, if you will allow it, I will purify your heart and re-establish innocence, for I will have a people whose only desire is to do My work and please Me, says the Lord.
Psalms 32:2 Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
March 19, 2013. Listen to what I am saying; it's not in words. It is by way of thoughts and impressions that come to your mind and spirit. Your spirit is communicating with My Spirit in a heightened measure because I am readying you to hear something important. It will come through something that has been rejected and thought not important. It will come through something you aren't usually drawn to. Don't reject it because others have. They are rejecting this for a reason. It is just that they are not quickened to follow in that way. But don't follow their lead because it isn't about them. I will be speaking straight to you.
John 21:22 (NASB) "Jesus *said to him, "If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!" Bev Robinson
Then Jesus said to them, “Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.” (Matthew 13:52)
When it comes to the things of God, I am a treasure hunter. It is my hope that you are a treasure hunter; one who searches the scriptures and seeks the Holy Spirit for the treasure (illumination, revelation, etc.) of the Kingdom. Unlike earthly treasure that can be hoarded or stuck in storage without being used, Kingdom treasure is meant to be put to work.