Since we know judgement begins at the house of the Lord, perhaps what will happen in the USA isn't as dependent on which of the two candidates is elected but what shape the group of people called by the name of Christ are in before, during and after the election. Have we, the determining force of any nation, been in some way responsible for the condition of the Supreme Court with our nay saying and complaining and negativity instead of our intercessions and thanksgivings for the Lord of the Universe being in charge? Are we, as those who say we believe in Jesus Christ, allowed His Word to be what we have said about Obama and Trump and the other parties running for the highest office in the land? That isn't to say I can't like or dislike one candidate over another...but what will I be found "saying" about that candidate? Will it be what I have heard the Father He has reacted to that candidate or is it my soul, my sense of right and wrong that I have been using as the basis of what I have been saying and doing, as if I weren't above all else seated at the right hand of the Father in Christ Jesus, if I weren't foremostly a member of the Kingdom of God and only temporarily a citizen of the kingdoms of the earth under the rule and reign of a prince, while I serve the King to whom that prince is accountable and whose plan that prince is ultimately playing out with most aspects of earthly government?
It brings us down to asking the question what is my role? And I can't answer that for you or you for me, and to be quite frank, it kind of bothers me when I hear people telling other Christians what they think their Christian responsibility is when it comes to the election. Our responsibility is to hear from the Lord, to be a part of what He IS doing...not what I think I should be doing according to my sense of right and wrong. Righteousness is always life in Christ worked out in the natural..
I am learning there are things that are more grievous to my Father than lies and cheating...wickedness in some ways is far less a stench in my Father's nostrils than the person who like a king of old takes all the responsibility for what has happened or will happen in his kingdom and doesn't depend upon the Lord or honor the Lord in all he says and does.
I am learning that some forms of idolatry is more of a stench in the nostrils of my Father than blatant wickedness. And I admittedly have learned some of these things as a result of some of the choices I made not understanding the Father's way of "seeing" things as I was seeing through standards of right and wrong instead of God's standard of righteousness which is always about Himself, the Lord God of the universe.
And throughout the scriptures, He tells us that judgement comes, that we might know that HE IS THE LORD GOD!!
And it seems a bit ridiculous from a human standpoint that this appears to be the "test" for the hour for the Body of teach US He is the Lord God!! Our human understanding would tell us it is about government, and about the highest office in the land. Imagine what changes might have been in this nation in thelast 30 years if we who are called by his Name, really had functioned in the intimate knowledge that HE IS IN CHARGE, HIS WAY REIGNS, HIS WAY ENDURES?
There is much diversity of thought in the body of Christ...may we demonstrate as never before the reality that my fellow Christian has a Master and that fellow believer is responsible to that Master...who is Lord of the Universe. May we be mindful and treat others, freeing them to operate by their conscience and be dealt with as we have been dealt with in due time by the hand of the Lord and the loving ways of our Good Good Father!!