August 9, 2016 Meri Ford
While many are praying for our nation and the political situation we find ourselves in, I am reminded that "the way the "church" goes is the way the nation goes. What we see in the West and in America is a reflection of the condition of us who call ourselves Christians, followers of Messiah Saviour, Jesus Christ. We can pray against all sorts of forces that affect this nation, but until those who are called by The Name humble themselves and pray and seek His face and TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS....until this happens nothing is going to be effective on the national scene....that isn't my opinion, that is the Eternal Word of the Lord.
If you look at the nation...it manifests all the issues local communities of "Christians" suffer under due to our own greed, idolatry, adultery,self-indulgence, etc. Power struggles and exclusivity, "paneled houses", yet the lives of the families in the building are falling to pieces, adrift with fathers that are angry at their children and children angry with their fathers....which the Word of the Lord indicates is a first line of restoration that must happen if this land isn't going to be destroyed. Abortion came into our nation because of "rot at the core" in what we call the "church" not because of a supreme court decision. It is so easy to get our focus off the root issues and put blame and focus on circumstances that have come because we, who carry the name and power of the creator of the universe haven't applied His love and power to those immediately around us and ourselves much less manifested it into our communities.
A post talking about the Western church that is under discipline was posted of Facebook........if it isn't under discipline, then it is not the church or body of the Living God, but a illegitimate son..a "false" religious body. A good father ALWAYS disciplines his children....which is an educational process to reveal to the student the healthy and godly ways of living. A son that isn't disciplined ( this isn't punishment) isn't a legitimate son and will not grow up into the character of the father. Discipline is the process of making a disciple...one trained and schooled, educated in the ways of the one he is following. It is time for us to repent of following the ways of the "prince of this world" that rules in the kingdoms of this world, rather than following the ways of He who rules the universe, who cast the "prince of this world out of heaven" and for this period of time gave him rule over the 7 mountains of authority.
It is the time for us to recognize the Spirit of Elijah...to turn our hearts to our children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. God's Holy Spirit is .working in our midst as the people of God...to conform us to His image, to build up Christ in us.. When this happens...then we will see nations changed...whether immediately or in the "long run" upon the return of Christ Jesus and the kingdoms of this earth become the kingdoms of our God and King. His Grace is sufficient to see us through all the consequences of our self-centeredness and self-indulgence, our self-focus and exclusiveness.
Meri Ford 516 Park Rd Winlock, WA 98596 360 520 4503 Blogs http://meriford.blogspot.com/